Archives for April 2022

Advancing materials science for superconducting quantum circuits

AI-driven IoT 3D Printer Motion & Status Tracker W/ Telegram

Bioplastics point the way to an environmentally sustainable, green future

Cheaper hydrogen fuel cell could mean better green energy options

Chemists of St Petersburg University invent a thermal camera to carry out reactions

Discovery of the one-way superconductor, thought to be impossible

Displaying messages sent from IoT-Cloud on an LCD

Electronics can grow on trees thanks to nanocellulose paper semiconductors

ESP32-cam Standalone With Robot Arm V

ESPHole Ad Blocker

From seawater to drinking water, with the push of a button V

Generating true random numbers from bananas

Get started with Tensorflow lite/micro by Sony Spresense

Glim­pse inside a gra­phene sand­wich

Greenland Ice, Jupiter Moon Share Similar Feature

HackSpace magazine #54

How to Almost Build a Beer Pong Playing Robot

In Einstein’s footsteps and beyond

Ionic Liquid-Based Reservoir Computing: The Key to Efficient and Flexible Edge Computing

Large Hadron Collider Restarts

Laser-based ultrasound detects defect-producing features in metal 3D printing

LCARS MQTT Intercom with Wio Terminal V

LightPC Presents a Resilient System Using Only Non-Volatile Memory​ V

Machine learning, harnessed to extreme computing, aids fusion energy development

Making 3D printing truly 3D

Measuring the ‘wettability’ of graphene and other 2D materials

Modular Solar/UPS for Raspberry Pi 4B

NASA’s Mars Helicopter Spots Gear That Helped Perseverance Rover Land

NASA’s New Material Built to Withstand Extreme Conditions

NASA’s SpaceX Crew-4 Astronauts Launch to International Space Station V

New Resilient, Redundant Source of Secure Network Timing and Synchronization for Power Operators is Now Available

Nexperia widens its offering of discrete components in miniature DFN packaging with side-wettable flanks

Physicists embark on a hunt for a long-sought quantum glow

PIC and AVR Microcontrollers Anchor the Majority of Embedded Designs Today

Project Eden: Smart Garden

Publish Data from Wio Terminal to Qubitro IoT Platform V

Renesas Debuts Automotive ECU Virtualization Solution Platform to Enable Secure Integration of Multiple Applications for Zone ECU

Researchers Add Antireflection Coatings to Complex 3D Printed Micro-Optical Systems

Researchers create exotic magnetic structures with laser light

Researchers design simpler magnets for twisty facilities that could lead to steady-state fusion operation

Researchers develop a paper-thin loudspeaker V

Researchers Unlock Potential Means to Reduce Lithium-Ion Batteries Reliance on Rare Metals


RPM Spinning

See how quantum ‘weirdness’ is improving electron microscopes

Sinclair ZX Spectrum Service Manual

Stanford scientist models landscape formation on Titan, revealing an Earth-like alien world

Successful mass production of ultra-high-purity diamond wafers with a diameter of 2 inches Aiming to realize a quantum computer

Technology to absorb CO2 at power plants is promising

Tim’s Hot Plate V

Tiny I2C Routines for all AVR Microcontrollers

Toshiba Releases New M3H Group of ARM Cortex-M3 Microcontrollers in the TXZ+ Family Advanced Class

Two Digits Led display with PICO and LB-402-MD

UCI scientists turn a hydrogen molecule into a quantum sensor

Vectron VGA Plus v2 V

Wio Terminal Art Collection V

3 Chinese astronauts return to Earth after 6 months in space

A flexible way to grab items with feeling V

Arduino Library for the TMS9918 Video Dislplay Processor V

Astronomers discover micronovae, a new kind of stellar explosion

Attiny High Voltage Fuse Reset-er V

Bluetooth Curtain V

Building LM35 4 Channel Amplifier Board V

Calculating Pi digits on first Intel microprocessor (intel 4004)

Canonical Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is released

Cheaper solar cells could be on the way thanks to materials created at Imperial

Crayon Car Mechanism. V

DIY UPDI USB programmer which can be made with cheap hardware

Electric Vehicle EV Charger

Illuminating perovskite photophysics V

Inspired by Prehistoric Creatures, NIST Researchers Make Record-Setting Lenses

Joule Thief PCB: Power from “dead” batteries! V

Jülich Quantum Researchers Build First Hybrid Quantum Bit Based on Topological Insulators

Kyocera develops transmissive metasurface technology that redirects wireless signals for improved 5G and 6G performance

Lithium’s narrow paths limit batteries

Melting KiCad V

Microdrones With Light-driven Nanomotors

MIT scientists develop low-cost, high-precision fabrication method for thin mirrors and silicon wafers

NASA’s Perseverance Rover Captures Video of Solar Eclipse on Mars V

New hardware created by Stanford team shows a way to develop delicate quantum technologies based on tiny mechanical devices

New hub to make diamond-based quantum computers

New materials for storing flammable industrial gases

New promising nanogel separates chemicals continuously

Overlapping Segments Rotary Digital Clock V

PicoCat v2 V

Predicting the Most Stable Boron Nitride Structure with Quantum Simulations

Researchers Demonstrate Label-Free Super-Resolution Microscopy

Researchers develop innovative 3D-printing technology for glass microstructures

Revolutionary images of the birth of crystals

Sapphire fibre could enable cleaner energy and air-travel V

Serial 64-Mbit SuperFlash® Memory Extends Options for Designing Space Systems Using Radiation-Tolerant COTS-Based Devices

SHROOM From Super Mario V

Spartan researchers create a magnet made of one molecule

Spooky action at a distance? Not a chance!

Stanford engineers develop new kind of 3D printing

Wacky Walker V

What lies beneath

Why Venus rotates, slowly, despite sun’s powerful grip

70 years of electronic computing

9-Bit Multidrop Communications

A Clock of Retrograde Minutes and Jumping Hours V

A new heat engine with no moving parts is as efficient as a steam turbine

A “Tree of Light” Prototype V

AMG8833 Thermal Camera


Arduino Pinball Machine That Plays Itself! V

Arduino serial Programmer CH340N

Car Parking Simulator V

Chess Playing Robot Arm That Will Beat You! V

CUBOTino: a Small, Simple, 3D Printed, Inexpensive Rubik’s Cube Solver Robot (Base Version) V

Developing electricity-powered, low-emissions alternatives to carbon-intensive industrial processes V

DIY E-Paper Retro Style Picture Frame (LilyGo EPD47 & ESP32) V

Engineers enlist AI to help scale up advanced solar cell manufacturing

FAMU-FSU researchers improve 3D printing quality by sharing data among machines

First integrated laser on lithium niobate chip

In race to build quantum computing hardware, silicon begins to shine

Intelligent traffic lights for optimal traffic flow

Intense laser light modifies the pairing of electrons

Introducing the Arduino secure boot

IoT Based Smart and Secure Lock V2.0 V

Joystick-operated robot could help surgeons treat stroke remotely V

Maintaining the structure of gold and silver in alloys

Micron GDDR6X Increases Bandwidth and Capacity

Multicolor DrawBot V

New 3D Printing Technique: A Game Changer for Medical Testing Devices V

New Polymer Materials Make Fabricating Optical Interconnects Easier

New transistor could cut 5% from world’s digital energy budget

No Small Measure: Probing the Mechanics of Gold Contacts at the Nanoscale

POV without mechanical equipment

Quantum innovation advances low-cost alternative solar technology

Renesas Introduces Industry’s First PCIe Gen6 Clock Buffers and Multiplexers

Renesas Launches Virtual Development Environment for Fast Automotive Application Software Development and Evaluation

Researchers Create Miniature Wide-Angle Camera with Flat Metalenses

Researchers engineer electrically tunable graphene device to study rare physics

Researchers Generate High-Quality Quantum Light with Modular Waveguide Device

Reverse-engineering the LM185 voltage reference chip and its bandgap reference

Servo Wordclock V2 V

Smart Water Meter

Smarter 3D printing makes better parts faster V

Smoke detector using MQ-2 Gas sensor

Solar weather station

SpaceX launches Ax-1, the 1st fully private astronaut mission to the space station V

Spiral Wraps Out of Hoses or Cable Sleeve Ends V

STMicroelectronics’ integrated automotive audio amplifier combines high-definition sound with class-G efficiency

Surfing at the atomic scale: ANSTO scientists confirm experimentally new fundamental law for liquids

The Centaurus (Mark 1) V

The side effects of quantum error correction and how to cope with them

Tiny labmade motors could one day suck pollutants from the air and harvest precious metals

TU Delft and Intel drink a toast to the qubit

USB Joystick using Arduino for Robotics and Computer Game V

Webb Telescope’s Coldest Instrument Reaches Operating Temperature

Wireless Game Show Buzzer System V

20 Band LED Spectrum Analyzer V

A 3D approach to protecting biodiversity on the high seas

An alternative low-cost technique to produce metal powders for 3D printing

An optimized solution for face recognition

An update to Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye

Announcing IBM z16: Real-time AI for Transaction Processing at Scale and Industry’s First Quantum-Safe System V

Arduino ESP32 All in One Robot V

Asi, a 3D Printed Wearable Robot Friend V

Blending a renewable fuel V

Build a simple WFH Messaging System V

CUORE team places new limits on the bizarre behavior of neutrinos

DIY Arduino Human Following Robot V

Does this artificial intelligence think like a human?

European Right to Repair resolution headed for vote

‘Frustrated’ nanomagnets order themselves through disorder

GPS with display

GSM & SMS Enabled Water Pollution Monitor

Here To Upgrade the World: Introducing Samsung’s Game-Changing DDR5 Solution V

Honey holds potential for making brain-like computer chips

Intel Launches New Intel Blockscale Technology for Energy-Efficient Blockchain Hashing

IoT Box - Take Your Workstation Everywhere! V

Micro­cavities as a sensor plat­form

Mouse for People With Brain or Nervous Disability

NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover Reroutes Away From ‘Gator-Back’ Rocks

New Technique Offers Faster Security for Non-Volatile Memory Tech

NVIDIA Orin Leaps Ahead in Edge AI, Boosting Leadership in MLPerf Tests

O-Clock V

PiGlass v2 V

Portable PONG Game

Printing to a Serial LED Display

Reading OBD2 With Wio Terminal V

Researchers Develop Glass-in-Glass Fabrication Approach for Making Miniature IR Optics

Researchers Discover Megamaser Five Billion Light Years from Earth

Reverse-engineering a mysterious Univac computer board

‘Robot scientist’ Eve finds that less than one third of scientific results are reproducible

STMicroelectronics’ AMOLED power-management IC boosts viewing experience and battery runtime in portable devices

STMicroelectronics’ automotive gate driver boosts motor-control flexibility

Temperature Reading with RPi Pico & MicroPython

The Material that Could Save Industries Heat

Tobogan Mini Camera Slider V

Touchy subject: 3D printed fingertip ‘feels’ like human skin V

Treated plastic waste good at grabbing carbon dioxide