“This Smart Water Meter has an inductive proximity sensor connected to an ESP32 is programmed in ARDUINO and uses the BLYNK IoT platform.
While energy prices are increasing every day, the prices of water are (still) moderate compared to gas and electricity. Nevertheless, there are good reasons to save on water usage, e.g. when you realise that while taking a shower a lot of hot water is used and it is costing energy to heat up the water. In other words: a lot of energy is washed away every day.
Although you can see the water usage on the meter itself, it does not tell you how much water is being used for taking a shower or flushing the toilet, or watering your plants in the garden.
On the internet you find several types of water meters for sale (at significant prices sometimes) and there are also some publications of DIY water meters. Those DIY designs give a good guidance for making one, but are always based on the particular knowledge, skills and available means of the designer.
This is why I started this project to make my own design and build a smart water meter myself, of course considering the solutions and information that have been published by others. Thanks to the open-source community.
The design described here is naturally also driven by my own available means and skills, but I hope it helps you to build your own version or that at least it inspires you to make your own design.”