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Introducing Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino

Today I received the Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino from Seeed Studio. The first impression I had is this Kit is very good! Delivered in a very nicely built box. The experience of opening the Kit is amazing. The box …

Making CSEduino PCB with PCBWay

When we are making an electronics project, after some tweaking with the components in the breadboard the next step is using a Perfboard or a Veroboard to solder the circuit. That’s what I’ve done with CSEduino. The first …

Setting up Raspberry PI Zero W

Hi there, I was challenged by Seeed Studio to make a review of a Raspberry PI Zero W. So here are my thoughts. I’ll show you how to setup the Micro-SD Card to use to Raspberry PI Zero …


Features I2C Interface (Address: 0x20) LCD 16x2 Characters 5 Buttons 1 RGB LED Uses MCP23017 Setup Activate I2C on Raspberry PI (raspi-config -> Advanced Options -> I2C -> Yes) Install the required packages: sudo apt install python-dev i2c-tools git clone …

RPI PCD8544 Shield V3.1

Features 84x48 pixels matrix LCD Uses PCD8544 Color: Monochrome Backlight: White Pinout GPIO0 - CLK - 17 GPIO1 - DIN - 18 GPIO2 - D/C - 27 GPIO3 - CS - 22 GPIO4 - RESET - 23 Setup for Python Using Adafruit Python libraries: Install the required packages: git …

AVR Optimizations

In the world of microcontrollers and unlike the world of computers, resources are scarce and any optimizations that can be made are very useful. In this article we will cover some of the various optimizations that can be made so …