Content for PI Hat

PI Hat

HAT stands for “Hardware attached on top”. It is a new hardware specification for add-one modules for the new Raspberry Pi model B+. HATs have several advantages compared to older add-on modules for the Raspberry Pi.


Features I2C Interface (Address: 0x20) LCD 16x2 Characters 5 Buttons 1 RGB LED Uses MCP23017 Setup Activate I2C on Raspberry PI (raspi-config -> Advanced Options -> I2C -> Yes) Install the required packages: sudo apt install python-dev i2c-tools git clone …

RPI PCD8544 Shield V3.1

Features 84x48 pixels matrix LCD Uses PCD8544 Color: Monochrome Backlight: White Pinout GPIO0 - CLK - 17 GPIO1 - DIN - 18 GPIO2 - D/C - 27 GPIO3 - CS - 22 GPIO4 - RESET - 23 Setup for Python Using Adafruit Python libraries: Install the required packages: git …