“How to upload any image to E-paper display. With this display you can make a beautiful retro look B/W picture frame
This time I will show you how to upload any image to E-paper display. Specifically it is about LilyGo T5 4.7-inch E-paper which has the following characteristics:
- ESP32 dual core MCU
- 4.7-inch integrated e-paper display - 540x960 pixels, 16 gray levels
- Allows usage of a touch screen
- 16MB flash
- 8MB PSRAM memory
- USB-C port
- built-in LiPo/Li-Ion battery charger
- integrated 18650 Li-Ion battery holder
- and 5 general purpose buttons
With this display you can make a beautiful retro look picture frame on which to change black and white images. This is made possible by the 16 gray levels that has this display. You must first download and install the display library. You can download it from the link: https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/LilyGo-EPD47
This library comes with 4 examples. They can be found along the path in the arduino ide program after installing the library. File->Examples->LilyGoEPD47. There are examples of grayscale, that is, it displays the image with stripes with different shades of gray. It is also an example of working with a touch screen. Next example shows the charge voltage and display characteristics. And also example that displays 3 images changing each other every 3 seconds. With the help of this example, we can display our custom images.
For that purpose, we need to edit the selected image in Paint. Then we need to set the image resolution close to the screen resolution (960 by 540) and save it in.png format.”