Archives for December 2016

2017 New Years Shutter Shades

A Leap Second Will Be Added December 31, 2016

Arduino Controlled Artificial Candle Lights V

Arduino Propeller Message Display (POV) V

Arduino VGA Games 4-in-1 V

Camera Capacitor Coil Gun V

Chat Application Using Mesh Radios

Controlling a Servo with a PICAXE and an IR Sensor V

Customizable Shutter Shades

Customizable Slinky

Customizable Sudoku Game

Deep sea coral reefs more accessible with touch-sensitive underwater robotic platform

Die photos and analysis of the revolutionary 8008 microprocessor, 45 years old

DIY remote control based on PIC V

Farming for the Future V

Free Innovation

Hack-proofing our devices

Harmonograph V

How to set up the DHT11 humidity sensor on an Arduino V

Indiana University researchers launch tool to understand spread of fake news

Introduction to Embedded Systems: A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach, Second Edition

Introduction To MIPS Assembly Language Programming

IoT Oil Tank Gauge With IBM Bluemix and Maximo

Learning IR remote control receiver V

LED Tree Jenkins Build Monitor V

Mining 24 Hours a Day with Robots

Reversing Sinclair’s amazing 1974 calculator hack - half the ROM of the HP-35

RooBee One - SLA DLP Aluminum Frame 3D Printer V

Simple Infrared LED and Photodiode tester

Single Digit Voltmeter with LM311

Structure and Interpretation of Signals and Systems, Second Edition

System Design, Modeling, and Simulation using Ptolemy II

The Engineering of Reliable Embedded Systems (1st Edition)

TinyLiPoCharger With Buck Bosster 3.3 Volt Out

Using a Wii Nunchuk with Arduino

Wi-Fi Controlled Home Appliances Using ESP8266

Wolf : IoT Multi-Terrain Quadruped V

Arduino 3D Maze V

Build a Raspberry Pi powersupply with Digispark Attiny85

Build a See-Through Cyclone Dust Separator for Your Shop Vac

Hacking Your Mouse for Rapid Firing V

Marduino Party 1

Nucleo Guitar Effects Pedal V

Open Autonomous Domestic Robots

Super Efficient Buck Convertor 5V 1A Arduino Power Supply

XCLOCK (Tri-Colour Binary Clock) V

4.5A H-Bridge DC Motor Driver Module Using TB6549HQ


An effective and low-cost solution for storing solar energy

Arduino Clone Breeding T-Rig V

Astronauts to get help from snake robots

BoomBeastic mini

Building Jarvis

Circuit Playground Slouch Detector

DPDgroup drone delivers parcels using regular commercial line

Driverless platoons

Drones dazzle at Disney World in a new holiday show

Dual Relay Board Using SMD Components

First Ever Cargo Drone Deliveries in Amazon Rainforest

Google Lunar XPRIZE Team HAKUTO Announces Rideshare Agreement with TeamIndus for a 2017 Lunar Mission

Grids of defects make diamonds practical for quantum computing

Human Cells Eat Nanowires

Light Your Menorah (Hanukiyya) or Christmas Tree Remotely from your Phone V

Malta Cross movement - Non-linear gears - OpenScad - Configurable

Mimicking biological movements with soft robots

NASA Engineers Test Combustion Chamber to Advance 3-D Printed Rocket Engine Design

Nixie Pipe – Modern Day LED Nixie Tube V

PIXEL for PC and MAC

PnP Box

SK Hynix Inc. to Construct a Cutting Edge NAND Flash FAB in Cheongju

TfCD: NFC Beer Lockbox V

The MagPi 53

The world’s tiniest radio

Thumbelina: an Automated Indoor Greenhouse

Tool rack for 3d printer accessories

2X L298 Dual DC Motor Driver Board for Robots

A 4$, 4ICs, Z80 homemade computer on breadboard V

Add more Digital Inputs and Outputs to your Arduino (IOExtension Module with library) V

Apple II Emulation on an AVR Microcontroller

Arduino Binary Clock - 3D Printed

Arduino Buck-Boost Converter V

Arduino Hot Wheels Drag Strip Race Track V

Arduino Micro Low Power Christmas Lights V

Arduino USB to Legacy MIDI Converter V

Arduino - Voice Controlled Robot (Bluetooth and Smartphone) V

ATMEGA328 Bootloader Programming Shield for Arduino Uno

Bitmap animation on ILI9341 TFT Touchscreen Display Shield V

DIY Wattmeter using Arduino Uno V


ESP8266 Christmas Ornaments! V

ESP8266 HM-10 IBeacon Proximity

ESP8266 Soil Moisture Sensor to Domoticz

Gravity LED Matrix

Headphone amplifier

NeoPixel NTP Clock Using ESP8266 V

New Year’s Eve Countdown Clock

Radio-Controlled (R/C) relay driver V

Real time planet tracking system & trajectory prediction

RFID Card reader with Arduino,RFID-RC522 and LCD 16x2

Simplified tracking system inspired by Beacon Technology V

Smart Parking System V

SMPS || Charge Your Laptop in a Car V

Snowmelt System Monitor V

Tiny ESP-01 Dev Board

Tweet your shoes to change colour

Ultra-secure Programmable Lockbox V

USB controlled SPÖKA night light

A Christmas tree, PCB ornament V

Compressing and enhancing hand-written notes

IR controlled Christmas Tree V

WordClock with Two 8x8 Character Faces

5 DOF Robotic Arm Kit With Code

A amazing kitchen Hack │ Upgrading a vegetable chopper manual to automatic V

A Conscious Coupling of Magnetic and Electric Materials

A game for my nephew V

A Phone That Charges in Seconds? UCF Scientists Bring it Closer to Reality

Amazon Conducts First Commercial Drone Delivery

Announcing updates to Google’s Internet of Things platform: Android Things and Weave

Aquaponic system monitor

Arduino controlled Beermachine/ dispenser V

Arduino Data Glasses for My Multimeter V

Arduino - Obstacle Avoiding Robot (with L293D) V

Arduino to ESP8266 By Serial Communication

Astrophotography with the Raspberry Pi Zero V

AT89SXX Development Board

ATtiny85 Light Sensor – I2C slave device

Automatic Faucet System with FPGA and IR Object Sensor V

Basys3 Bicycle Odometer

Cheap DIY Ambientlight using Arduino

Colorfull tree puzzel

Customizable Tool Maker’s Clamps

#DIY# A Complete Guide to Build Your own ATtiny85 Project PCB with Relay and Interfacing HC05 Bluetooth Module to it

DIY Arduino-Based Sous-Vide Machine

DIY Weather Station using arduino, DHT11 & BMP180 sensors V

Esquilo Air & HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Tutorial V

Flex Sensor to bargraph monitor using PIC16F886 V

Flexible device captures energy from human motion

FPGA Automated House Lights V

Further Improvement of Qubit Lifetime for Quantum Computers

Galileo begins serving the globe

Haptic Proximity Module - Cheap and Easy

HC-05 bluetooth programmer

HispaBrick Magazine 026

Homebrew WiFi Shield

Homebridge MCUIOT / An ESP8266 based sensor platform

How to make a Music-Time Display V

Ikea introduces its first 3D knitted furniture

IoT Decimal/Hexadecimal 8x8 LED Matrix Drawing Board

“Lixie”, an LED alternative to the Nixie Tube V

LM386 tube amp V

Make a Simple Portable Tesla Coil!

Meet the new MKRZERO, the power of the ZERO in a smaller board!

Meet the World’s First Completely Soft Robot

MicroSolutions November/December 2016

Mood Collar: Final Class Project

New supercomputer will unite x86, Power9 and ARM chips

newelectronics 13 Dezembro 2016

Optical addressing method for full-color 3D display

Optical tech gives prosthesis a more human-like sense of touch

Passive Components at the Performance Limit

Pinguino Project (a PIC microcontroller based Arduino #No Programmer Required) V

Programming Brushless Motor ESC without RF transmitter

Qualcomm Begins Commercial Sampling of World’s First 10nm Server Processor and Reshapes the Future of Datacenter Computing

Quantum computers ditch all the lasers for easier engineering

Raspberry Pi 2 IoT: Thingspeak & DHT22 Sensor

Reducing Arduino Power Consumption

Researchers Develop Way To “Fingerprint” the Brain

Retrieving ST-Link/V2 Firmware from Update Utility

Shelf Accent Lighting with Arduino, Smartthings and LED Strips V

Simple DIY 3x4 LED display for Arduino MEGA / Uno / Nano

Smart IoT Postbox with the idIoTware Shield V

Snake Vision Robot using two MLX90614 No Contact Temperature Modules V

SUMP2 – 96 MSPS Logic Analyzer for $22 V

Taiwan’s TSMC to build $16bn advanced chip facility

Temperature dashboard using Arduino UNO, ESP8266 and MQTT

The NanoStillery™ - Automated Whiskey Distillery V

The TinyTS – DIY Synth

ThermoClock: An OpenSource Arduino UNO OLED Clock That Also Measures Temperature

TPA3118 Amplifier and Speaker V

Transformerless Adjustable Joule Thief V

Tutorial to Interface HX711 Balance Module with Load Cell V

Ultimate configurable dice

UMN research shows people can control robotic arm with their minds

UNIST Engineers Thermoelectric Material in Paintable Liquid Form

A round word clock (sort of) V

AC Current monitoring data logger

Adjusting dual clock using DS3231 on 1.8” ST7735 display V

Adoption of latest Bluetooth® specification propels interoperability, sets stage for transformative wireless connectivity

Arduino Based Mini CNC 2D Plotter V

Arduino Motion Detection Light

Arduino Pinball Machine

Arduino Temperature Controller V

Bibble: A Smart Desk Light for Roommates

Cap that Hole

Car Simulator Arduino Pedals

Creating a 2m Fm Repeater with a Raspberry Pi (B) and a RTL dongle V

Customisable Flower Pot, bowl or vase

DC Motor & Direction Controller with Brake using MC33035

Digital 3D printer filament counter using PS/2 mouse V

DIY an Arduino Voting Machine

DIY Arduino Thief Cam

Drawing Plotter V

Earth’s day lengthens by two milliseconds a century, astronomers find

Electronic dice with slowdown - NE555 & CD4017 V

Engineering researchers develop a process that could make big data and cloud storage more energy efficient


IBM Research and Rice University Explore Watson-Powered Robot Aimed at Aiding Elderly and Caregivers

Infrastructure data for everyone

Keyboard Clicker V

LED Isis Wings (with non-functioning capacitive touch sensors)

Local and Remote Programmable Robotic Arm V

Low Cost 4 channel Wifi switch (IOT Application) V

Making-Of Sea Shell Sand Clock V

Microsoft, Qualcomm partnership will bring the full Windows 10 OS to ARM devices using emulation

NeoPixel 24 & HC-RS04 Sonar Support V

New material could lead to erasable and rewriteable optical chips

New ‘printone’ tool allows users to create 3-D printed wind instruments in any shape or form

New sensor technology for e-vehicle batteries

Open sourcing the Embedding Projector: a tool for visualizing high dimensional data

OpenSCAD threads module


Our brains have a basic algorithm that enables our intelligence

Printable electronics - New stamping technique creates functional features at nanoscale dimensions

Raspberry Pi Lightshow with Blynk Control V

Scientists create ‘floating pixels’ using soundwaves and force fields

Scientists develop robotic hand for people with quadriplegia

Self-learning software that builds itself

Simple Calculator With Arduino MEGA

Smartphone Controlled Car with Proportional Speed Control V

SNA Junior

Stanford engineers create prototype chip just three atoms thick

Stopwatch and Lap Time Counter V

Thunder & Lightning Animation V

Tiny Time Watch

University of Twente researchers able to study individual defects in transistors

VGA Blinking Lights V

VGA Etch-a-Sketch With Arduino Uno V

We’re set to reach 100% renewable energy — and it’s just the beginning

3x3x3 RGB LED Cube

4 Channel Relay Board

8 PIN PIC Development Board – PIC12F683

Advanced Simon Says

Amazon Lex – Build Conversational Voice & Text Interfaces

Amazon Rekognition – Image Detection and Recognition Powered by Deep Learning

Aquarium Controller

Aquariumatic v1: Arduino powered Multi-Aquarium Monitor

Arduino Automatic Fish Feeder

Arduino Control With Android Voice Command (via Bluetooth) V

Arduino-controlled True Switching Regulators

Arduino Laser Pinball V

Arduino - LCD 20x4 Water LEVEL MONITOR HC SR04 V

Arduino OLED Thermometer And Hygrometer With DHT11

Arduino XMAS hitcounter

Audio Sensor to Measure Rain Intensity

Best Arduino Display V

Capacative Soil Moisture Sensor (self-made)

Customizable Hinge v2

Customizable Simple Part Bin

DARPA Creating Industry/Government Group for Safe Operation of Space Robotics

‘Diamond-age’ of power generation as nuclear batteries developed

DIY remote control car: the best RC car tutorial V

Do your own scanner 3D

Drawing Simple Graphics on a RGB LED Matrix Panel with a Raspberry Pi and GeeXLab

DRV8825 compatible servo control with Digispark Arduino

ESP8266 Neopixel Ring Clock

Full function Wireless joystick Rug for PC - No stitch V

Geohot’s startup open sources its self-driving software

Getting Across the Smart Home Threshold

Hand Gesture Controlled Robot V

How to make an Automatic Night Light V

How to Make Arduino Based Mini CNC Plotter Using DVD Drive V

How to Run Your ESP8266 for Years on a Battery

In the Works – Amazon EC2 Elastic GPUs

IoT Motion Detector With NodeMCU and BLYNK

Large Current Relay with Dual Output DC-DC Converter for Hobby CNC/Router

LED Holiday Tree With Shared Internet Control

Line Follower Robot V

Localino: Open Source Indoor Location System (Arduino + Decawave) V

Magnetic Depth Meter

Make a MakeyMakey Wire Maze V

Make a Soil Moisture Meter With the Help of Arduino V

Make Your Own Power Meter/Logger V

Making Graphene Using Laser-induced Phase Separation

MeArm V1.1 - Tiny Open Source Robot Arm

Mini Christmas Tree with LEDs and Sound V

newelectronics - 21 November 2016

newelectronics - 22 November 2016

nosdk8266 - Trying to make ESP8266 projects without a big SDK

Parametric Enclosure with Lid

Private Moon Rovers May Visit The Apollo 17 Landing Site

RGB LED Strip Dimmer with 555 Timer V

Robust Remote Solar Monitoring

Roscosmos. Progress Ms-04 Situation

Simple bluetooth car with ultrasonic parking siren

Square Infinity Mirror Clock V

Timelapse Spy Camera

Understanding IR protocol of Air Conditoner’s remotes

Very Small Arduino DJ Controller

Voice Control of a Ceiling Fan with Alexa

Web controlled BoE-Shield Robot with the LightBlue Bean