Archives for May 2016
$4 WiFi Door Alarm using a ESP8266 #IoT
40-Year Math Mystery and Four Generations of Figuring
4.5Amps Bipolar Stepper Motor driver based on TB6600 V
56 Joule Coilgun from Salvaged Parts v2.0 V
And yet it moves: 14 Galileo satellites now in orbit
Arduino Based Voice Activated Home Appliances V
Arduino countdown timer with setup buttons V
Arduino Password Unlock Door Security System V
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra
Bosch BME280 real-time plotting GUI V
Build a Cloud-Connected ESP8266 Power Meter
Building a PIN Diode Geiger Counter
DIY 3x3x3 LED Cube for Arduino Nano+ V
DIY | Ambilight Using Arduino Nano V
DIY Portable LED Lighting Panel V
E Ink Announces Advanced Color ePaper, a Breakthrough Technology for Color EPD Applications
Easy IoT weather station with multiple sensors
Electronic Safe with Arduino V
First 3D Printed Office Building Opens In Dubai
Fully Functional 3D Printed Vise
How to measure temperature very accurately with an Arduino and a TSYS01 Temperature Sensor Board
IBM Scientists Achieve Storage Memory Breakthrough
Intel Acquires Computer Vision for IOT, Automotive
Introducing Windows 10 for IT Professionals, Technical Overview
Joystick Controlled Robot Arm Using an Arduino
Lessons In Electric Circuits - Vol I - DC
Lessons In Electric Circuits - Vol III - Semiconductors
Lessons In Electric Circuits - Vol IV - Experiments
Lessons In Electric Circuits - Vol V - Reference
Low Voltage DC Power Distribution and Measurement Adapter
Make Esp8266 Dev Board From Scratch
Network 3D Printing with Windows 10 IoT Core!
New Method of Producing Random Numbers Could Improve Cybersecurity
Parallel Processing Arduino Style Make Massive NeoPixel Displays With Nanoscale Concurrent Computing V
PIGate, web enabled garage door/gate opener
Real-time behaviour synthesis for dynamic Hand-Manipulation, ICRA‘14
TinyANN, Artificial Neural Network meets ATTINY
Upside Up - Robot Balancing Revisited V
Wifi controlled Garden light with ESP8266 V
World record in terrestrial radio transmission
3D Printed Force Sensor for the Classroom V
3D Technology has Taken Microchips into Another Dimension
3DOF Ball on Plate Using Closed Loop Stepper Motors V
5 channel LED candle using PIC12F508 V
Android Motion Sensing Smart Mirror V
Arduino - Analog LED Thermometer V
Arduino STAR OTTO board with STM32F469BIT6 mcu, supports Arduino connectivity
BarCode Scanner + Arduino USB Shield V
Build L293D Dual Motor Driver Board for Arduino
Cornhole: Built In Electronic Score Board V
Create an Arduino Controlled Light-Following Flower Bot
CupBot - 3D Printed Robotics platform V
Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis in C++
DIY Boost Converter || How to Step Up DC Voltage Efficiently V
DIY Lithium-ion battery charger V
DIY standalone Weather Station powered by Arduino
Engineers create a better way to boil water with industrial, electronics applications
ESP8266 Desktop Clock (WiFi Synchronised!)
Google supercharges machine learning tasks with TPU custom chip
HiKey 96Boards powered by Kirin620 SoC is now enabled with the latest Ubuntu Core
Hydroponic Greenhouse Monitoring and Control System V
Hyundai shows off its wearable robot Iron Man prototype suit
Interactive module for dyslexic students
Introducing the HP Jet Fusion 3D Printing Solution
Learning to Program Using Python
LED Music Boxes (Hummingbird) V
Lightweight Solar Panel (12V Battery Charger)
Machine learning accelerates the discovery of new materials
Machine learning helps discover the most luminous supernova in history
Micro Atmospheric Temperature Tracker
NASA Super Pressure Balloon Begins Globetrotting Journey
Nest open sources Thread IoT networking protocol
NXP Demonstrates Complete Autonomous Vehicle Platform Using NXP Silicon at Each ADAS Node
Raspbian Update Released With Pi 3 Bluetooth UI, SD Card Copier
RGB Handmade Alien Ware Head phone Stand V
RomoBOT - Animatronic Face Robot V
Single white line detector for SUMO ROBOT V
Tech-Savvy Families Use Home-Built Diabetes Device
The Raspberry Pi as a Stratum-1 NTP Server
This five-fingered robot hand learns to get a grip on its own
TV Remote Tester - Making IR Sensor Module at Home
Two VelociRoACH Robots Cooperatively Climb a Step Taller than Their Size
12V to 28V Step Up DC-DC Converter
3D printed Google Cardboard kit V
6 Digit Serial Display Driver with CAT4016
A Hybrid Hydrostatic Transmission and Human-Safe Haptic Telepresence Robot
Announcing SyntaxNet: The World’s Most Accurate Parser Goes Open Source
Arduino “Pick N Place” Android Robot V
Arduino Ping pong with 8*8 Dot matrix & Max7219 V
Arduino Robot Arm Mixologist V
Automatic cymbals from old printer V
Blue Light Exposure Reduces Organ Damage in Mice, CRISMA Researchers Find
Build a 2-Digit Up/Down Counter with a PICAXE 20M2
Cayenne - Easy IoT for Raspberry Pi
Cheap retro gaming arcade table
Compressonator (AMD Compress) is going open source
Control ANY light or electrical appliance with you tablet or smartphone (wifi) V
Control Home Appliances with Phone and Internet of Things under 6 $ V
DIY Bench Power Supply (Dual-Channel)
DIY CNC Accessories (Dust Collector, Heatsinks, Feet, Pendant)
DIY electronic RFID Door Lock with Battery Backup
DIY Intelligent Autonomus Robot (Electronic Pet) /w Arduino
Do-It-Yourself Soldering Station with an ATmega8
ECMAScript® 2015 Language Specification
ESP 8266 Wifi controlled Home Automation V
ESP8266 + Brian Toy Robot V
ESP8266 Design Contest Entry NMEA Bridge for OpenCPN
Firmware Over The Air (FOTA) for ESP8266 SoC
Fundamentals of Programming Python
Graphene-Based Microbots for Toxic Heavy Metal Removal and Recovery from Water
Hack a humidifier with an AtTiny V
Hacking a RC car with Arduino and Android V
Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python
Handbook of operational amplifier applications
HullPixelBot: A robot pixel from Hull V
Hyperloop One reaches 187kph in first test run
IoT: Connecting the RPi, Arduino and the world! V
Low cost OBD2 communications on K-line (ISO 9141-2 and ISO 14230-4) V
Make Your Own LED Sign VU Meter V
master clock driver for antique slave clocks
Microsoft Joins Hands with Twist Bioscience to Store Data-Using Synthetic DNA
MSP430 VFD Clock Manhattan Style V
Neopixel Ampli-Pelz Tuxedo Lights V
OpenDrop Digital Microfludics Plattform V
Plug And Play remote relay (Raspberry and Arduino and reading sensors)
Raspberry pi plant watering system
Reverse engineering the popular 555 timer chip (CMOS version)
Scientists Discover New Technology Breakthrough in Fighting Viral Diseases
Solar Tracking Weather Station
Soldering is easy - here’s how to do it
Stretchable electronics that quadruple in length
USB to UART Converter with GPIO MCP220
Use Solenoids to Build a MIDI-Controlled Percussion Bot
Web Server Scada SVG ESP8266 Random value with 6V Battery V
With simple process, engineers fabricate fastest flexible silicon transistor
$1 automatic water level controller V
1 Wire LCD Controller for Arduino
110v Temperature Controlled Soldering Station Build No. 2 V
16x128 display showing Date, Time, Temp, Humidity
3W Stereo Audio Amplifier using TDA7266D V
4WD Robot Controlled by Android , Detect hurdles
555 Based Motion Sensing Night Lamp Kit
7 Segment Display Internet Clock
A Basic guide to open educational resources (OER)
Analyze Any IR Protocol With Just You Arduino Board V
Android Controlled RGB LED Using Arduino V
Android Controlled Robot for Beginners (A to Z)
Aquarium Auto Refill With Arduino V
Arduino Soil Probe using DS18B20 and DIY Moisture Hardware
Bringing a vintage telegraph into the digital age V
Build your own 3d printer filament factory V
Control AC light using Arduino V
Creative Commons: a user guide
DICE - a tiny, rigid and superfast 3D-printer V
DIY PCB 4 channel IR remote controller V
Fenrir: An Open source dog robot V
Fish Feeder Arduino Raspberry Pi Link V
IBM Makes Quantum Computing Available on IBM Cloud to Accelerate Innovation
IU physicist leads discovery of new particle: ‘four-flavored’ tetraquark
Made Clock Matrix With 192 LED V
Make a Hydroelectric Power Light V
Making an LED Night Light W/ Star Pattern V
Maze Solver Robot, using Artificial Intelligence with Arduino V
No Worthless Battery After 200,000 Charges? Sign Me Up
nRF51822 Begins - nRF-DK, GCC, ADC, UART/BLE
Open Content - A Practical Guide to Using Creative Commons Licences
Prof. Kilwon Cho and Team Develop New Semiconducting Polymer for Forthcoming Flexible Electronics
Pymon – A Simon clone for the Raspberry Pi V
Raspberry Pi Controlled Irrigation System
Raspberry Pi Garage Door Opener
Samsung and Legrand Team Up to Deliver World’s First Thread-Enabled IoT Light Switch
Selfmade continiously adjustable step up power supply
Smart Humidifier (make Your Room Comfortable) V
smd & small parts drawers (customizable)
STMicroelectronics Brings Superior Indoor and Undercover Navigation to Mobiles and Wearables
The Battle for Open - How openness won and why it doesn’t feel like victory
The Digital Public Domain: Foundations for an Open Culture
The foundation for an open source city
Transform an Ikea Side Table into a Music Visualizer V
Two Bits - The Cultural Significance of Free Software
Ultrasonic Obstacle-avoiding Robot V
Unexpected discovery leads to a better battery
UnoPCB - Arduino Uno ProtoShield Circuit Board Breadboard
Warm/Cold Adjustable Continuous Lighting V