Archives for August 2016
3D Printer Part Recycling Grinder V
Automated Plant Watering System V
Big Blue Aims For The Sky With Power9
Building a 3D Printer Under 299$
Cardboard remote controlled car.
Down to the Wire: ONR Researchers and New Bacteria
Earth Proxima: Is Our New Neighbor the Most Promising Exoplanet Yet?
HAL-CAM 9001 – Building a New Security Camera V
How to build the ultimate bicycle safety light system V
How to Build Your Own Discrete 4-Bit ALU V
How to Make Mini CNC 2D Plotter Using Scrap DVD Drive, L293d Motor Shield & Arduino V
Linus Torvalds Reflects on 25 Years of Linux
Make your own LED illuminated laser cut box V
McMaster researchers resolve a problem that has been holding back a technological revolution
Monitor your Muscle Power on LCD V
OBD II Information Logger and Diagnostics Reader V
Parametric Button Generator - Metric Edition
Peltier Fermentation Chamber for Beer
Program an Arduino with State Machines in 5 Minutes
PWM Solenoid and Valve Driver using DRV103 V
Random LED Dots: Entropy Library for Moah Speed with Less Gimcrackery
Raspberry Pi playing ZomBuster V
Restoring fertility with 3D printers
Robot Minion - Plant Watering Robot V
SF Muni LED Sign at Home with Raspberry Pi
Simple DIY Dual Pulse Spot Welder with Arduino Controller and Screen (microwave transformer based) V
Simple Graphical Game With Arduino and OneSheeld V
Simple Pump Controller and Circuit V
Temperature Sensing and Monitoring Using Arduino and Esp8266
The first autonomous, entirely soft robot
Twitter Mood Lamps with ESP8266 V
400-year-old Greenland shark ‘longest-living vertebrate’
5$ Mini Singing Musical Tesla Coil Music Box ! V
Accelerating Foundry Innovation for a Smart and Connected World
Airlander 10: Maiden flight at last for longest aircraft
AMD Demonstrates Breakthrough Performance of Next-Generation “Zen” Processor Core
Arduino Bluetooth Exploration Rover
Arduino Laser Tag - Duino Tag V
Arduino Project: Ultrasonic Sensor for Blind V
Arduino ServoTimer2 and VirtualWire 433MHz Receiver V
Arduino video game music chiptunes V
Arduino water level indicator: the best method to measure!
Audi’s New Technology Is the Beginning of the End of Traffic Lights V
Bi-Directional Voltage Level Translator
BittWare Delivers Arria 10 OpenCL BSPs for Altera OpenCL SDK 16.0.2 Release
Bluetooth Controlled Motorized Camera Slider V
Cheap homemade 30 MHz - 6 GHz vector network analyzer
Dual 90V/10A Unregulated Power Supply
E-Kart: The electric Go Kart V
Electromagnetic Swing - DIY Lorentz Force Experiment
ESP12e oled “smartwatch”, honestly it’s a wrist display ;)
Every Liter Counts! Arduino Water Doser “Shield” V
Google is developing an OS called Fuchsia, runs on All the Things
Helsinki rolls out driverless bus pilot
How to make a 2 mile, long range FM Transmitter
How to Make a Mini Water Pump V
How to make Simon Says using ATtiny13a and mini breadboard. V
IBM Scientists Imitate the Functionality of Neurons with a Phase-Change Device
IBM TrueNorth ‘cognitive chip’ can capture 2,000 fps with a camera
Keychainino: a programmable, playful Key Ring V
Make Amazing Things Happen in IoT and Entrepreneurship with Intel Joule
MAKE your own 200 LoRa gateway
Making a Makerspace Temperature Logger
Modular DIY GeigerMüller counter
Patented bioelectrodes have electrifying taste for waste
PowerShell is open sourced and is available on Linux
Raspberry Pi 7 inch touchscreen display hacking V
Reach in and touch objects in videos with interactive dynamic video
Simple Electronics with GPIO Zero
Single line LED display Games V
Surge Protector for Automobile Use
Uber’s First Self-Driving Fleet Arrives in Pittsburgh This Month
Vortex laser offers hope for Moores Law
Wireless Solar Charge Controller Monitor ( RS485 to WiFi ) V
Xpider — the smallest smart robot spider in the world
1,007 dancing robots break world record in China
16 Channel Tiny InfraRed Remote Controller NEC Code V
A low-voltage disconnect for 12 volt lead acid and lithium batteries
A New Wireless Hack Can Unlock 100 Million Volkswagens
An LED panel controlled by your guitar! (or other audio source) V
Arduino Plant hidration system
Articulated Robot In 10 Minutes
Bluetooth HID gamepad using HC-05 module V
Breakout Board for ESP 8266 01
Carbon-Fiber Electric Skateboard Deck V
Control and supervision of the pool
Control Your Telescope Using Stellarium & Arduino V
DIY: Build a 70cm Band Yagi for Amateur Satellite Tracking
Hand-held remote controller for Arduino etc
Homebrewing and Arduino: the perfect recipe
How to make a cheap 360 video camera with a Raspberry PI V
Interactive Arduino Powered Coffee Table V
LED Persistance of vision Globe V
Look Up! Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks Aug. 11-12
Make a progress bar with Arduino and LiquidCrystal V
Make an Optical Disk Display V
MIT and DARPA Pack Lidar Sensor Onto Single Chip
NETLIST unveils HYBRIDIMM™ storage class memory product with key industry partners
Ping Pong in Arduino, with MAX7219
Raspberry PI as retail product display
Raspberry Pi Piezo Beep Music V
Seagate’s 60TB SSD for businesses is world’s largest
Sprinkling of neural dust opens door to electroceuticals
Tiny high-performance solar cells turn power generation sideways
Toughening a RFID Door Opener V
2 Digit Digital Up Counter Using PIC16F1825 V
An open source 3D Scanner made with Raspberry Pi
Ardio V
Arduino home automation, Automatic door opene V
Arduino Motorcar Control Using 6-Axis Sensor V
Arduino Timer With On/Off Set Point V
Arduino weather box: The best Arduino weather station tutorial
China exclusive: Chinese netizens bid farewell to Yutu, beloved lunar rover
China’s elevated bus: Futuristic ‘straddling bus’ hits the road
Clockwerk - A 3D Printed, Three-Axis Tourbillon
Controlling an Arduino Turret With IR Remote V
Customizable Hammond Style Box
Decode 433 MHz signals w/ Raspberry Pi & 433 MHz Receiver
DIY | Adjustable Timer using 555 & potentiometer V
DIY Pan and Tilt Network Security Cam with Raspberry Pi V
DIY Smart House 1 - Personal Voice Assistant V
Everything There Is To Know About Logo Design
Fitting Electronics Into Altoids
Garduino: Geek Gardening with Arduino
Graphic Design For Non-Profit Organizations
High Precision Cardboard CNC Drawing Machine V
How to Add an IR Remote to a Speaker System V
How to build a ESP8266 Web Server V
How to build a Raspberry Pi Robot (part 1)
IBM Lab-on-a-Chip Breakthrough Aims to Help Physicians Detect Cancer and Diseases at the Nanoscale
Java ME 8 + Raspberry Pi + Accelerometer + PWM + Motor Driver = JBalancePI Robot (Part 1)
MECs: “Building Blocks” for Creating Biological and Chemical Instruments
Mumai V
Opto-Isolated Laser Controller Build
Perspective-aware Manipulation of Portrait Photos
Pixel Perfect Precision (PPP) Handbook
Polyhedron CC~ish Subdivision Demo OPENSCAD
Raspberry Pi3 + XBee + XBMQ + MQTT + Node-Red IoT
Recycled Coke Can Popcorn Maker
RFID Based Attendance System Using Raspberry Pi V
RPM Measurement Using Hall Sensor and Arduino
Simple spice/salt/tea/powder scoop
Star Track - Arduino Powered Star Pointer and Tracker V
TDK’s subsidiary EPCOS to acquire Tronics to further grow its sensor business
Tough gel stretches to 21 times its length, recoils, and heals itself
Towards an exact (quantum) description of chemistry
What’s wasting power at home? Ask your app!
WiFi BrewPi Fermentation Temperature Controller With ESP8266 V