Archives for February 2017
AI beats professional players at Super Smash Bros. video game
New product! Raspberry PI Zero W joins the family
Self-driving Nissan car takes to Europe’s streets for first time
SpaceX to send first paying tourists around moon next year
Adafruit IO Basics: Temperature & Humidity
AI learns to write its own code by stealing from other programs
ArduCAM Mini ESP8266 Web Camera V
Cheap IKEA Raspberry Pi computer
Controlling a Stepper Motor with an SIRC Transmitter and Receiver V
House’s Monitoring Consumption With Arduino UNO
How To Make A Custom Control Panel for Elite Dangerous, or Any Other Game
MyQlockTwo : RGB and WiFi QlockTwo project
SpaceX Dragon Delivers NASA Cargo to Space Station After 24-Hour Delay
Using An ESP8266 As A WiFi Enabled Universal Remote V
WiFi Weather Display with ESP8266 V
A Drone-Slinging UPS Van Delivers the Future
Art Deco Weather Forecast Display V
Big Improvements to Brain-Computer Interface
Boeing plans to build 3D-printed modular satellites
Breakthrough in ‘wonder’ materials paves way for flexible tech
Build Your Own Microcontroller
Galileo 2 driving MCP23017 and 74HC4511 Digit Displays V
Getting the T-Rex Endless Runner to work on a Component Tester
Giftduino - The Perfect Arduino Gift Box V
iSwitchPi Adds an Intelligent Power Switch to Your Raspberry Pi
Latest PIC® MCU Family Brings Ease of Design with More Core Independent Peripherals
Make your own Arduino Nano (DIY - Arduino Nano) V
NASA Telescope Reveals Largest Batch of Earth-Size, Habitable-Zone Planets Around Single Star
Sony launches the World’s Fastest SD card, the SF-G series
Split decision in first-ever quantum computer faceoff
Tokyo Tech supercomputer TSUBAME3.0 scheduled to start operating in summer 2017
2-Wheel Self Balancing Robot by using Arduino and MPU6050
Kaleidoscope Infinity Mirror V
Researchers devise efficient power converter for internet of things
SpaceX Launches 1st Private Rocket from Historic NASA Pad
newelectronics 14 Fevereiro 2016
Quasistatic Cavity Resonance for Ubiquitous Wireless Power Transfer
Wire stripper (3 slot version)
5V to 12V @1.2A regulated power supply using LM2587
A Chip Flaw Strips Away Hacking Protections for Millions of Devices
Building a Arduino Based Quadcopter
Elon Musk: Humans must merge with machines or become irrelevant in AI age
Elusive triangulene created by moving atoms one at a time
How to Install an ATtiny Bootloader With Virtual USB
India sets world record with 104 satellites in a single rocket launch
mbed OS 5.3.5 Release Available
Now you can “build your own” bio-bot
Programmable bench power supply
White-Noise RF source (DC-200 MHz)
AI Software Juggles Probabilities to Learn from Less Data
AirMo - The air quality monitor! V
Arduino Based Windows PC Volume Remote Control
Automatic Neon Bottle Lamp With Arduino V
CheetahBeam - a DIY automatic cat laser toy V
Components with responsibility
Controlling a Stepper Motor with an SIRC TV Remote and a PICAXE: Infrared Capabilities
DIY: Arduino based continuous touch Piano V
Intel Introduces Versatile New FPGA for Industrial and Automotive Markets
Lasers Could Give Space Research its ‘Broadband’ Moment
Long-lasting flow battery could run for more than a decade with minimum upkeep
NASA Receives Science Report on Europa Lander Concept
Neural network trained to solve quantum mechanical problems
Newly engineered material can cool roofs, structures with zero energy consumption
Oui OUI, Spiffy SPIFFS on ESP8266
Penn Researchers Are Among the First to Grow a Versatile Two-dimensional Material
Researchers add a splash of human intuition to planning algorithms
scanning laser microscope with Arduino V
TV Remote Becomes an RF Remote || NRF24L01+ Tutorial V
Voice-based Battleship Game for Arduino (with AI) V
A FPGA controlled RGB LED MATRIX for Incredible Effects – the Hardware V
12V @ 120mA Transformerless Power Supply
A guide to Friday’s comet-eclipse-full-moon triple feature
Arduino Controlled Kitchen Timer V
China is now the world’s largest solar power producer
Data Centers of the Future Could Send Bits Over Infrared Lasers Instead of Fiber Optic Cables
DIY smart home doorbell for less than $40! V
ESP8266 OLED Clock IoT Using AJAX V
Happy birthday melody on Arduino Nano with 3-way polyphony V
How to implement Finite State Machines using Energia
Intel Unveils Deep Learning Library for Apache Spark
Intel’s Atom C2000 chips are bricking products – and it’s not just Cisco hit
Jammarduino DUE - DIY PC to Jamma interface for Arcade Cabinets
New Google Brain research brings the ‘zoom and enhance’ trope to reality
ORNL researchers break data transfer efficiency record
Parametric PCB Mounting Bracket/Stand Off
Protecting quantum computing networks against hacking threats
Reverse-engineering the surprisingly advanced ALU of the 8008 microprocessor
Samsung ARTIK 530 – our newest family member!
Testing a Custom IoT Framework by Controlling an LED: RIOT (RealTime Internet of Things) V
Toward all-solid lithium batteries
Vinduino, a wine grower’s water saving project
Wave of the future: terahertz chips a new way of seeing through matter
We finally have a computer that can survive the surface of Venus
Engineers harness stomach acid to power tiny sensors
Mimicking nature’s cellular architectures via 3D printing
Scientists develop ‘lab on a chip’ that costs 1 cent to make
1000 times more efficient nano-LED opens door to faster microchips
Complete Digital Clock including Alarm and Motion Sensor V
Controlling LED with NodeMCU ESP8266 and Quark D2000 board
First ever blueprint unveiled to construct a large scale quantum computer
M&Ms and Skittles sorting machine V
Programmable Sequenced Wavetable Synthesizer V
Dual Sensor Gauss Meter for Testing Magnet Strength V
LEGO-like blocks build new possibilities for microfluidics
Lithium-Ion Battery Inventor Introduces Fast-Charging, Noncombustible Batteries
Microchip Debuts Advanced Motor Control Tool with Auto Tuning and Self-Commissioning Capability
NeoPanel controlled by Arduino
New resource for optical chips
RadArduino - Radar Made With Arduino Leonardo and Processing V
Solar Power Delivers a Win-Win-Win
The Gray-1, A homebrew CPU exclusively composed of memory
Wireless Remote Sensing with Wemos D1 mini, Arduino IDE, Raspberry Pi and lighttpd web server
Close Views Show Saturn’s Rings in Unprecedented Detail
Customizable stereographic picture projector v3
D-Wave Announces D-Wave 2000Q Quantum Computer and First System Order
Mini Digital Barometric Altimeter
Monster Mouth Headphone Holder - Clampable
Novel Liquid Crystal Could Triple Sharpness of Today’s Televisions
Report: Apple is kind-of-sort-of working on more ARM chips for its Macs
Researchers Flip Script for Li-Ion Electrolytes to Simulate Better Batteries
TERES I Do It Yourself Open Source Hardware and Software Hacker’s friendly laptop is complete
A Dirt Cheap F*** Awesome Interactive Led Table V
A New Approach to 3D Holographic Displays Greatly Improves the Image Quality
AI Software Learns to Make AI Software
Arduino 3D Printed Can Robot (one More Object Avoiding Robot V
Build Your Own LED Photography Ring Light V
Carnegie Mellon artificial intelligence beats top poker pros
CarontePass: Open Access Control for Collaborative Spaces
Create an Access Control System with an 4x3 Keypad & RFID-RC522! V
D-Wave upgrade: How scientists are using the world’s most controversial quantum compute
Engineers Build Robot Drone That Mimics Bat Flight
First step towards photonic quantum network
How to Make GRBL + CNC V3 Shield Based Mini CNC Machine From Scrap DVD Drive
LED Cube Pendant - Worlds Smallest LED Cube
Mystery Box: Crypto Countdown Case V
Object avoidance Microbit Robot using the Kitronik motor controller
Portable Mini Timelapse Camera V
Raspberry-Pi Home Heating Controller
Remapcro: A Hardware Keyboard Macro Recorder
Renegade-i (Programmable IC Tester That Feels Like the Real Thing)
Scientists Discover Potential Way to Make Graphene Superconducting
Simple RaspberryPi-based Autonomous Car V
The world’s first heat-driven transistor
Transparent, gel-based robots can catch and release live fish
Ultimate PCB and IC Vise – Version 4 - Printable Vise for Small Electronics