Content for LM2596

DIY Bluetooth Audio Receiver + Pop Noise Remover for Amplifier TPA3116D2 2.1

“In this article I will make a special audio receiver bluetooth module for the TPA3116d2 2.1 Amplifier (then I will call TPA3116d2). I call it special because the design of this module is based on the PCB TPA3116d2. To …

Supplino - DIY PSU

“A simple PSU made with breakout boards and having a cool graphical display Supplino is a Quick & Dirty PSU (Power Supply Unit) made with some widely available breakout boards, an Arduino Nano (or an Arduino Nano Every) and a graphical …

4 Wheel Drive Line Follower Robot

“Line follower robot are one of the classic project for a robotic enthusiast with self balancing and obstacle avoidance robots. It helps to get acquainted with IR sensors, motor drivers, conditional statements and PID controllers. So let’s build a …

Bluetooth Matrix

“The project is a sample project about how matrix monitors works. The scroll speed can be set by a potentiometer. A Bluetooth module added to the project. So, you can send texts to your board with a smart phone. A …

Automatic pencil sharpener

“An automatic pencil sharpener machine that works using linear motion. You can sharpen any pencil just by pressing a button and it will take care of the rest, including gathering up all the rubbish into a container. Components - Attiny84, for …

I2C Blynk Car With Attiny85 and M5StickC

“This project shows you how to build your own I2C DC motor drive using a DigiSpark Attiny85 plus Arduino motor shield. To test its operation, I made a small RC car which used an M5StickC & connected to Blynk App. to …

The Local Weather Station on a Four-Wheels Bluetooth Controlled Car

“Hello!!! This is my four-wheels bluetooth controlled car which is equipped a local weather station on it. This four wheels car can be fully functional bluetooth controlled via Blynk that allows the car to move forward, backward, turn left, turn …

A Big Self-Setting Clock

“Use an ESP32, an RTC, and a flexible LED Matrix panel to build this large clock that gets NTP time from the Internet. I’ve built several clocks. I like the ones that connect to the Internet and set themselves …

Old School Minitel Laptop

“Hi everyone, On this Instructables, I will explain how I manage to convert an old Minitel to a “brand new” laptop ideal for taking notes in college ^^. This project was one of the first I made, so the wiring is …

Wireless Fan Fully Controlled Using Your Phone!

“In this project, we will be creating a wireless fan that you can fully control using your phone over WiFi. You can rotate it left and right, tilt it up and down, and choose the fan speed and rotation speed …