“Transforming air quality monitoring with cutting-edge technology. Our system combines advanced sensors and real-time analytics for proactive Inspired by the recent fire outbreak at the solid waste dumpsite in Brahmapuram, Kochi, this project emerges as a comprehensive solution not only …
“Charity Sower is an unique platform that not only enables you to donate coins, but also allows you to track the location of each donation. Overview Charity is a vital aspect of building a compassionate and empathetic society. It involves …
“Identify leaks by using machine learning and a flowmeter to measure and classify the flow of liquid through a pipe. Fluid leakage in industrial pipelines can have serious and potentially destructive effects on both the environment and human health. One …
“SAJAC is a smart jacket for caving that helps explorers to monitor environmental conditions and request help when needed using BLE and LoRa Problem Caves, which are quiet places and rarely passed by humans, often have extraordinary beauty. The beauty …
“Transform your Wio Terminal into a Matrix LoRa MQTT Gateway. Transmit received LoRa messages to a MQTT Broker and act as SensorNode too. In today’s article, we are going to build a Matrix LoRa MQTT Gateway with your Wio …
“Build your own interactive Pacman Clock for your work bench or desk!! Some time ago I developed an Arduino and ESP32 Pacman Clock which proved to be popular with DIY electronics Makers. I was looking for an alternative all in …
“a 3D-printed robot shape stand to embed your Wio Terminal In order to enable my Wio Terminal stand on the desktop, I made a cool stand for it, so I designed this little robot stand to embed the device as …
“By utilizing the Seeed Studio hardware and Azure IoT Central, we could build a simple indoor VOC detection and alarm system. Motivation VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) are responsible for the odor of scents, perfumes, and contaminants. Anthropogenic VOCs are legally …
“A sleep environment detector can be designed to give people feedback whether the current environment is suitable for sleeping Sleep environment monitor Sleep will have a great impact on people’s work, life and health. The sleep condition of contemporary …
“In this project I will demonstrate how we can use Smart Agriculture Devices using Long Range Communication(LoraWan) in Rural areas. Agriculture is a backbone of very country as it fulfills the local demand as well as helps to generate …