Content for M5StickC


M5StickC is a mini M5Stack, powered by ESP32. It is a portable, easy-to-use, open source, IoT development board.

Morse Code Trainer, Communicator, and CW Keyer for esp32 based M5StickC Plus

“This project is a versatile Morse code trainer, communicator, and CW keyer designed for the M5StickC Plus device. It is inspired by the Morserino project, but with the goal of creating a much smaller, wrist-mounted device and is programmed from …

SeismoM5 Earthquake Sensor

“An MQTT Earthquake Seismc Sensor with M5StickC and SPK HAT Living in a highly seismic activity city brings its own challenges. Waking up in the middle of the night with a shake and wondering the epicenter and magnitude of the …

Project  FishFeeder


“This is a really simple TinyGo project that relieaves certain worry when I travel and leave my aquarium unattended. Coupled with a Raspberry Pi with a camera, Wireguard tunnel, a couple of simple (reverse) proxies I am able to remotely …

ESP32 internet radio with I²S DAC

“WiFi internet radio built using an M5StickC plus (ESP32 Pico), external I²S DAC (PCM5102A), and stereo amplifier (Onkyo TX SV 434). After discovering that my 25 years old Onkyo stereo amplifier is still working, I wanted to give it a …

Digital dice with IOT cheating function

“Using the M5STickC-plus as digital dice. With the possibility to read the result remotely. You will always win! Digital IOT-cheating dice The M5STickC-plus has a built-in accelerometer. And a display. With this, you can easily program digital dice that …

How to save money with IOT

“Use IOT to detect errors in the night setback function of your heating system and save costs through effective heating settings. Night setback of heating systems When you are at home, chilling in the living room, you like to have …

I2C Blynk Car With Attiny85 and M5StickC

“This project shows you how to build your own I2C DC motor drive using a DigiSpark Attiny85 plus Arduino motor shield. To test its operation, I made a small RC car which used an M5StickC & connected to Blynk App. to …

Home Assistant & Industrial Automation System

“The “Internet of Things” is the biggest current change nowadays, more and more home and industrial devices can be communicated together in its network. The protocol “Message Queue Telemetry Transport” (abbreviated: MQTT) is used in the I.o.T and …

Arduino Animated GIF Player

“Play any animated GIF file from SPIFFS directly onto TFT screen as-is, WITHOUT converting to RGB565 or PROGMEM as script. Based on Arduino_GFX and gifdec, espgfxGIF is an Arduino sketch that plays animated GIF on TFT screen of some Arduino …

3D Print Bed Leveling Tool Using M5StickC

“Do you ever find it a hassle to manually level your 3D print bed every time you make a print? Even seasoned 3D printing pros need to level the printbed after every couple prints. Weve created a device that helps …