
“Dual Clock System consisting of two Pico-2040 micro controller-based clocks connected via I2C The Multi-functional Clock System is composed of two distinct clocks, each based on the Pico-2040 micro controller. These clocks are interconnected via an I2C Bus, facilitating communication …

“ESP32 controlled VFD screen. This device supports date/time, weather, random number generator, etc. Last year, I got an old Sharp EL-8109 calculator. Which uses a 9-digit Futaba 9-ST-08A VFD display. The calculator still works, but the …

“A simple method for incorporating vacuum fluorescent display tubes into your projects! I’ve had a handful of Soviet-made IV-6 (ИВ-6) tubes sitting around my workshop for years, but I never really tried to get them working for any …

“The project is a sample project about how matrix monitors works. The scroll speed can be set by a potentiometer. A Bluetooth module added to the project. So, you can send texts to your board with a smart phone. A …

“Blynk, is it the savour of microprocessors everywhere? Well at first look this seems to show promise, so let’s take it for a spin and see. While looking for a unique way to control a two-stage green-house, I came …

“This is an 8 channel infra-red remote-control Arduino shield that can drive 8 high current loads such as LEDs, solenoids, multiple toy DC Motors, dual unipolar stepper motor, filament lamps, etc. Each channel consists of two parallel NPN transistors with …

“All the robots are the inspiration of some natural things. In worms, Inchworm has some special features its walk quickly and its so cute. The dream about making inchworm robot is start when i am 15 years old in my …

“Build a MIDI drum kit using solenoids and CircuitPython! 3D print parts to create a solenoid driven mallet to trigger snare drums, cymbals and much more! Use the Adafruit Feather M4 and ULN2803A darlington driver to create your own custom …

“I have previously done an 8x16x8 Led Cube Clock controlled by Arduino Mega 2560 and Real Time Clock Module DS3231 more than 2 years ago and until now it still works fine. I also conducted the tests using ESP-01 …

“In this tutorial we will see how to make a water level meter circuit with the integrated uln2803.The printed circuit is included, the operation of the same will be explained, as well as we will see the characteristics.It …