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So this is the Mini MacTEMPtosh, a portable Temperature and Humidity meter that displays the current Temp and Humidity level by an onboard AHT10 Sensor.

Its Body is made to look like the old MACINTOSH 128K Desktop PC so that’s why it’s called MacTEMPtosh.

This setup is powered by an ESP32 Board and has a Lithium Cell as the power source.

AHT10 is being used to measure the current TEMP and Humidity level that is being displayed on an SSD1306 OLED Display which is all controlled by an ESP32 Board.

This Instructables is about the whole built process of this device so let’s get started.

Following were the materials used in this built-

- ESP32
- SSD1306
- AHT10 Temp Sensor
- IP5303 Module
- Li-ion Cell
- 3D Printed parts
- header pins and connection wires”

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