“This little gadget will help you to be up to date about the coronavirus outbreak and the situation in your country. This is an IoT based project which displays the real-time data of cases, deaths and recovered people by the coronavirus ( COVID-19 ). It uses a Wemos D1 Mini Pro board which is based on the ESP8266 Wifi module to get data from the worldometers via ThingSpeak API. I have used an 0.96” OLED display for making a dashboard for all the realtime data.
Note: I made this project for fun and learning. The COVID-19 data display in this project is completely based on information on www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ . Follow WHO (https://www.who.int/) for COVID19 Updates.
1. Wemos D1 Mini Pro
2. OLED Display
3. Prototype Board
4. 18650 Battery
5. 18650 Battery Holder
6. Slide Switch
7. Female Headers
8. 24 AWG Wires”