“An AVR (atmega328p) based floppy drive emulator for PC
fddEMU is a DIY floppy drive emulator. You can immediately begin testing fddEMU on serial terminal with an arduino nano, an SD adapter that converts 5 volts arduino power supply and signals to 3.3 volts suitable for SD card, an SD card, and some jumper cables. Standalone (using without usb serial connection) require SSD1306 i2c screen, buttons and a 5 volts power supply.
- Arduino nano (UNO will do but button inputs require ADC7, use serial commands instead)
- Micro SD card adapter (converts 5 volts arduino power supply and signals to 3.3 volts)
- A micro SD card (formatted FAT16/32, floppy images in root directory)
- Two 1kOhm resistors (for step and readdata pins - atmega’s internal pullups are not sufficicient for parasitic capacitance of long floppy drive cable)
- Male to female jumper wires (for connecting arduino nano pins to FDC ribbon cable)
- Male to male jumper wires (for pullup on step and readdata pins)
- 0.96” i2c OLED (SSD1306) screen (for output)
- 5 1kOhm resistors (for making ADC buttons)
- 1 100kOhm resistor (ADC7 has no pullup, so an external pullup required)
- 5 push buttons (required for ADC input obviously)
- 5 volts power supply (Computer PSU 5v pins or an external PSU can be used)
- Female to female jumper wires (for connecting SD adapter to arduino nano)
- Breadboard (for placing pullups and ADC buttons)”