Content for Robot Car

Camera NanoTank

“This intructables show how to use Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32S3 and corresponding camera module to build a NanoTank. Supplies: - Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32S3 Sense - 751626 Lipo Battery - DRV8833 Motor Drive Board - 2 x Mini 3.7V 6mm Coreless motor (47RPM …

Pretty Small Robot

“A less ambitious attempt at making a small robot. It’s not tiny, or micro, but it is pretty small. Tried to keep it as simple as possible. The chassis is 3d printed apart from two bearings that are also …

Omni Wheel Robot – A Robot That Can Move In Any Direction

“Robot based on OMNI wheels In this project, I decided to make an omni wheel robot, this type of robot is able to move in many directions compared to normal robots due to the special wheels they have. Features - Ability …

Raspberry Pi Pico W WiFi Robot Car

“This post will show you how to create a Raspberry Pi Pico WiFi robot car that you can control thru your mobile phone. We will be using MicroPython in programming our Raspberry Pi Pico W and use the MicroDot library …

Bolt Bots - Micro Servo Droids

“Minimal Hardware 4-5x servos + Wireless Control It started as a walker but I think of the project as some simple robotics kits. The same electronics + a few printed parts. Micro Droids based on 4-5 servos. V1 - 5x 9g servos 4 …

Project  Donkey Car

Donkey Car

“An opensource DIY self driving platform for small scale cars. RC CAR + Raspberry Pi + Python (tornado, keras, tensorflow, opencv, ….) What can you do? - Build your own toy car that can drive itself. - Drive your car with your phone or laptop …

Paradox RoboRumble Robot

“Paradox RoboRumble Robot After you get all the things, now its time to get started. So firstly install the Arduino Software in your pc.After that connect Arduino to the PC.Check whether Arduino is connected or not. To check …

3-Mode Bluetooth Robot

“A robot car developed using Arduino that can operate in 3 modes - Manual, Automatic and Voice. The car is controlled wirelessly via Bluetooth with an android app developed using MIT App Inventor. Robot car developed using Arduino that can operate …


“SCUTTLE™ is a modular, open-source robotics platform originating in a basement lab at Texas A&M, designed by “Makers” – students & engineering staff for a flexible, extensible, durable, and affordable platform to teach the Mobile Robotics Engineering course. The SCUTTLE project …

Mini Self-balancing Robot

“Made a simple Self Balancing Robot using XIAO ESP32 C3, Arduino Nano and Custom PCBs So here’s an interesting little project: a Mini Self-Balancing Bot made from three layers of custom PCB, each containing a specialized circuit for this …