“By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a dashboard displaying the temperature readings from your Raspberry Pi Pico W using Web Socket. In this step by step guide, I’ll dive into how to create a live temperature …
“This project permits the creation of RNG generators based on nuclear decay, interfacing a Geiger counter with audio exit to a MC. It’s an evolution of my previous project you find here: NuclearRNG text Here Theoretically it permits the …
“Control the SDRSharp software with physical controls for a more natural experience using a software defined radio. Some time ago I attempted to create physical controls for SDRSharp using the excellent SDRSharp Net Remote plugin for SDRSharp created by Al …
“Home Automation Using IOT & WiFi Here In this project we are going to make an IOT based Home Automation system for our home to control the AC Electrical Appliances(In my case, one Cooler, one Tube Light, LED Bulb and …
“Follow this exciting tutorial to create your own visual workday scheduler using a Raspberry Pi Pico and an LED strip. I’m delighted to introduce you to a captivating project I recently discovered on GitHub, to which I’m now …
“In this project, we’ll be using a Raspberry Pi Pico and some LEDs to create our own binary clock. Why make your own binary clock? Well, for one thing, it’s a fun and nerdy way to display the …
“This project aims to demonstrate how to turn Pico W into BLE-to-Ethernet central using WIZnet W5100S Introduction Few days ago Raspberry Pi released new SDK that added missing feature to Pico W - Bluetooth support. For more information please refer …
“Getting Raspberry Pi Pico W online with C/C++ or MicroPython.”
“This page describes building and programming NeoPixel / OLED clock driven by NTP based on: Raspberry PI Pico W SSD1306 128x64 OLED display 24x RGB LED NeoPixel circle Ø65, WS2812B 24x RGB LED NeoPixel circle Ø85, WS2812B Optional microSD slot for …
“A 500kS/s oscilloscope built on stripboard using basic parts Introduction In the previous guide we described how to create a simple oscilloscope on a breadboard using a Raspberry Pi Pico W (or Pico) and the Scoppy Android app. Here …