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Build a Path-Following, Self-Driving Vehicle Using an Arduino Portenta H7 and Computer Vision

This is a difficult build and may need some adaptations for your project: For example, we used a large print-bed 3D printer to make the 10.5 inch long frame (26.7 cm). You may choose to split that frame up or put the hardware somewhere else on the car.
The software to use is online as part of my Arduino IDE-ready library called the “Portenta Pro Community Solutions” in the dot55 area. This is a huge library of ready-made examples to use with the Arduino Portenta H7, and other Arduino MBED boards.

List of suggested first-time purchases:
- RC-Pro Shredder $189.99 CDN
- WSD1302 Plug Set 2 sets $2.99 USD
- Bullet Connectors only need 2 female bullet connectors this is a set of 50 for $11.99 USD
- Big VNH5019 Motor Driver Carrier $44.95 USD
- 3 Wire Servo $24.99 CDN
- Arduino Portenta H7 $103.40 USD
- Arduino LoRa Vision Shield $63.25 USD
- Waveshare 1.5inch OLED Module $12.99 USD
- USB-C cable, USB battery pack, microSD card. A 3D printer would be useful.”

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