Content for Robot Car

Paradox RoboRumble Robot

“Paradox RoboRumble Robot After you get all the things, now its time to get started. So firstly install the Arduino Software in your pc.After that connect Arduino to the PC.Check whether Arduino is connected or not. To check …

3-Mode Bluetooth Robot

“A robot car developed using Arduino that can operate in 3 modes - Manual, Automatic and Voice. The car is controlled wirelessly via Bluetooth with an android app developed using MIT App Inventor. Robot car developed using Arduino that can operate …


“SCUTTLE™ is a modular, open-source robotics platform originating in a basement lab at Texas A&M, designed by “Makers” – students & engineering staff for a flexible, extensible, durable, and affordable platform to teach the Mobile Robotics Engineering course. The SCUTTLE project …

Mini Self-balancing Robot

“Made a simple Self Balancing Robot using XIAO ESP32 C3, Arduino Nano and Custom PCBs So here’s an interesting little project: a Mini Self-Balancing Bot made from three layers of custom PCB, each containing a specialized circuit for this …

Smart and Sustainable Agriculture System

“With climate change and water scarcity we will monitor farms Temperature, humidity, CO2 emissions.”

How to Make a TV Remote Control Robot Car

“Make Cool TV Remote control car using Arduino and IR Receiver. Hey Guys, welcome to my article. So guys today we are going to make a TV Remote Control Robot Car. Project Information: The project makes use of an IR …

Tracking and Search Function with ESP32 and arduino robot

“Design and Building of a Smart Platform with ESP32 Cam to achieve the Mode Tracking for search and Following the Face In this tutorial, we will show you how to achieve the search and follow Mode of the Smart Robot …

Line Following Bot

“This is a bot that follows black line. My goal was to make it as compact as possible and to use Infrared LED’s instead of Infrared modules. I have used BO motors, Arduino UNO, L298N driver and IR transmitter …

Autonomous Driving Car V2

“Curious about autonomous driving, AI and neural networks? Build your own autonomous driving car and get your hands on these topics! This project is all about building a cool self-driving car using some fun and exciting technology! We’ll be …

Lily∞Bot Version 2: Open Source Robot for Academics

“This is version 2 of the open-source robot for academics to engage in service, teaching, and research. Meet Lily∞Bot. Story I am an open-source hardware trailblazer and this is part of my guidebook to show academics how to engage …