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A robot car developed using Arduino that can operate in 3 modes - Manual, Automatic and Voice. The car is controlled wirelessly via Bluetooth with an android app developed using MIT App Inventor.

Robot car developed using Arduino that can operate in 3 modes - Manual, Automatic and Voice with additional features. The car is controlled wirelessly via Bluetooth with a dedicated Android app.

- Wireless control with Bluetooth
- Dedicated Android app
- Manual control using buttons on app
- PWM based 3 levels of motor speed control.
- Ultrasonic sensor based autonomous mode with direction display on the app.
- Voice control using Google Speech Recognizer along with obstacle detection feature to avoid collision.

- Arduino Uno
- Ultrasonic Sensor
- DC motors
- L298N Motor Driver (Motor driver used in project is custom made)
- Servo motor
- HC 05 Bluetooth module
- 18650 Lithium Ion Batteries
- Robot Chassis”

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