Content for Raspberry PI


“The mouseVRheadset is a VR system for mouse neuroscience and behavior research. By positioning the headset to the eyes of a head-fixed mouse running on a treadmill, virtual scenes can be displayed to the mouse in both closed-loop (treadmill motion …

New Raspberry Pi Global Shutter Camera for machine vision and more

“Remember those new cameras we launched way back in the dawn of … January? We have another one for you — and this time we’re getting specialised. Today we’re launching something a little different: the Raspberry Pi Global Shutter Camera …

Artificial Life 2

“A vastly enhanced version of my Artificial Life project; with extra parameters, behaviours and LED panel compatibility. Previously… In 2017 I made a project called Artificial Life which used an 8x8 Unicorn matrix to display a grid of Artificial Lifeforms …

Project  ML Hat Cam

ML Hat Cam

“A Raspberry Pi 4B with an HQ camera, 8-50mm zoomable lens with auto focus and ml for filming RC planes… mounted to a hat.”

Sandwitch Dot IO Display Board

“A 7-inch display was added to the Sandwich Dot IO project in a revision to make it truly wireless and portable. The fan layer, raspberry pi carrier board, and battery bank layer are the three layers that make up this …

Build your own Raspberry Pi weather station with weather forecast and ESP32 wireless sensors

“For years now, one of these typical weather stations has been sitting in my living room. It works as it should, but it lacks a second or even third radio sensor, and a weather forecast would be a great addition …

Gelāre: Depth-sensing & EdgeImpulse powered Assistive-Robots

“Towards Spatial-guided Vision based Assistive Robotics using EdgeImpulse and LEGO Mindstorms. Problem Statement The ability to feed oneself is a crucial aspect of daily living, and losing this ability can have a significant impact on a person’s life. Robotics …

Autonomous Driving Car V2

“Curious about autonomous driving, AI and neural networks? Build your own autonomous driving car and get your hands on these topics! This project is all about building a cool self-driving car using some fun and exciting technology! We’ll be …

Simple CAN BUS Logger with PICO

“With Raspberry PICO and a couple of CAN BUS interfaces it is possible to perform a simple can bus logger. SG Electronic Systems was born as a support to the Open Hardware projects. Our experience allows us to support the …

Facial Recognition and Tracking Project with mechArm

“This article is a description of the most critical robotic arm control module. I’ll give a report on the recent progress of the facial recognition and tracking project. For those who are new, let me briefly introduce what I …