Content for ATtiny13A


The Microchip picoPower 8-bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller featuring 1KB of ISP Flash, 64-byte EEPROM, 64-byte SRAM, 32-Byte register file, and 4-channel 10-bit A/D converter. The device achieves up to 20 MIPS throughput at 20 MHz at 1.8-5.5 V operation. By executing powerful instructions in a single clock cycle, the ATtiny13A achieves throughputs approaching 1 MIPS per MHz allowing you to optimize power consumption versus processing speed.

“Perpetual” Wristwatch

“The simple and “Perpetual” WristWatch(“LumiTime”) with 12 red LEDs, it have LIR2430 Li-Ion battery, 12 solar cells, based on Microchip CPU. The simple and “Perpetual” WristWatch(project code name “LumiTime”) with 12 red LEDs, it have LIR2430 Li-Ion battery …

Antique Lantern Project

“Hello everyone, and welcome back. Now for something BRIGHT, a retrofitted antique-looking oil lamp with four LEDs that are turned ON and OFF in a chaser pattern to provide the appearance of fire flickering. The Attiny 13A driving four SMD …


“ATtiny13A Resistive Soil Sensor for Duck Lovers Moisture-Duck helps you keep track of your plants’ soil moisture and alerts you if they need watering. It utilizes the resistance measurement technique to gauge soil moisture levels. Two probes, in combination with …

Sandwitch Dot IO Display Board

“A 7-inch display was added to the Sandwich Dot IO project in a revision to make it truly wireless and portable. The fan layer, raspberry pi carrier board, and battery bank layer are the three layers that make up this …

Clock sculpture

“One day I wondered if it would be possible to make a wall clock out of two concentric rings with leds and all electronics suspended between them. Well, now I know. For this clock there’s no need for a …

DIY Turntable Rotating Platform

“Hey guys how you doing So here’s something revolutionary: a DIY Turntable Rotating Platform created entirely from scratch utilizing a unique PCB and 3D-printed parts. Because it spins, it is revolutionary. Was this a dad joke, perhaps? Without getting …

Sandwich Dot IO

“Hey everyone, what’s up? So here’s something super interesting and cool: SANDWICH DOT IO. It’s a Raspberry Pi system with onboard power, a dedicated cooling layer, and even RGB LEDs for aesthetics. This setup was created to …

PCB Hotplate Mini Edition

“What’s up, everyone? Here’s something REALLY HOT: a DIY mini PCB hotplate made entirely from scratch. The idea was to make a small and minimal reflow hotplate that could be used for SMT reflow work on small PCBs …

Attiny13A Motor Controller Board

“Hey Guys how you doing! So here’s something super interesting and useful, a motor controller board powered by an Attiny13A to control a Brushed DC Motor. This Motor Driver uses PWM to control the gate of an N Channel …

Goku PCB Badge V2

“Made a PCB badge of our beloved hero Goku, LEDs sequence will look like Kamehameha in this badge. The idea here was to make a simple PCB badge that includes Goku, I placed a few LEDs on this board in …