Content for 8x8 LED Matrix

8x8 LED Matrix

An 8x8 LED matrix contains 64 LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) which are arranged in the form of a matrix, hence the name LED matrix.

EASY Arduino Alarm Clock (w/ Matrix Display)

“A functioning alarm clock with an easily adjustable alarm time, a matrix display, and a nice case to go with it! So, it’s a clock. oh my god whaaaat Yeah, there’s not much to say about the finished …

Arduino Buttonless LED Matrix Clock with ADXL335 sensor

“Multimode Arduino Matrix Clock, Word Clock, Thermometer, and Random Word Generator controlled by various motions. This time I will describe to you a way to make an interesting clock on an 8x8 Led matrix, that does not contain any buttons …

DIY Games with Raspberry Pi Pico

“Introduction: Welcome to this project where I will be creating an exciting games using MicroPython and Raspberry Pi Pico. In this project, I will connect a joystick controller and an 8x8 LED matrix to the Raspberry Pi Pico to build …

Arduino-controlled 832 MAX7219 Dot Matrix LED Display

“In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how to effectively employ the 8×32 MAX7219 Dot Matrix LED Display with an Arduino. This LED matrix module, equipped with the MAX7129 LED driver, is fully compatible with Arduino boards and other …

Electronic Puzzle Cube

“This is the Technological Tesseract—an electronic puzzle box. The goal of this puzzle is to connect three wires to the jacks in the correct configuration to make the LED matrix light up in a fun way. There are four …

Programmable Sticky Note: Desktop Scrolling LED Display

“Have you ever been at work and suddenly remembered something you really need to do at home (or vice versa), but you’re worried that you won’t remember to do it when you finally get there? You might phone …

Arcade Stacker Game

“What’s this? I wanted to create a small game that doesn’t require many materials and complicated wiring. So I came up with a game that is fully playable with only 1 button and a “screen”. This is a …

Floating Display Clock

“This is a clock with a floating display based on Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection (AIRR). The numbers from individual LED panels are projected using a beamsplitter and a retroreflective foil. For the observer the numbers seem to float in the …

Audio Spectrum Visualizer Using Arduino & Matrix Display

“An audio spectrum visualizer using Arduino and matrix display is a device that displays audio frequencies in real-time through a pattern. An Audio Spectrum Visualizer is a device that displays the frequency components of an audio signal in a visual …

Intelligent Notice Panel

“Update a notice panel message using Alexa voice control. ntroducing the project, “INTELLIGENT NOTICE PANEL WITH ALEXA”. With this state-of-the-art technology, you can effortlessly control your display with the power of your voice. Whether you need to turn the display …