Content for ArduCAM


Arducam-Mini-5MP-Plus(OV5642) is performance improved version compared to its predecessor Arducam-M-5MP. It not only offers the capability to add a camera interface which doesn’t have in some low cost microcontrollers, but also provides the capability to add multiple cameras to a single microcontroller. Capture decent 5MP JPEG images and do 5MP full resolution RAW image capture, making it to be the ideal solution for IoT and scientific image processing applications. Even more it can record short movie clips as well.

Project  ML Hat Cam

ML Hat Cam

“A Raspberry Pi 4B with an HQ camera, 8-50mm zoomable lens with auto focus and ml for filming RC planes… mounted to a hat.”

Raspberry Pi Quadrascopic Camera

“Using a Raspberry Pi CM4 and an Arducam quad sync hat, a digital quadrascopic image can be taken, similar to the Nimslo and Nishika. I wanted to make this since there’s really no digital equivalent. Doing so could speed …

Intruder detection with ArduCam on Pico board

“Use the new RPi Pico along with TFLu so that it turns a RPi4 when a person is detected, then the RPi4 confirms if the person is a stranger. In this project, we are going to learn how to set …

PICO Arducam Examples

“See Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi Pico and the README in the pico-sdk for information on getting up and running. Quick Pico Setup If you are developing for Raspberry Pi Pico on the Raspberry Pi 4B, or the Raspberry …