
“Test up to 12 servos with features such as setting movement range, velocity or acceleration, playback a sequence of positions & more This tester has many features that far more expensive testers don’t have. - supports up to a dozen servos …

“I know making a clock sounds a little irrelevant, especially nowadays because we all have smartphones and no one is going to use or look into the clock for time, but it is good when you are doing some work …

“We have built a combined balancing and 3 wheel robot for edcuational use in schools and after school educational programmes. The robot is based on an Arduino Uno, a custom shield (all construction details provided), a Li Ion battery pack …

“Created a touchless Covid Free Electronic Dice using Arduino to play some board games with my son. My new project is an amazing way of giving our younger generation the taste of board games while staying COVID free. For this …

“Porting Arduboy to the ATMega4809 and making it run on a Arduino Nano Every. Story After learning about the Arduboy challenge, we (team Karooza) decided to join in the fun and port Arduboy to a new microcontroller. In the spirit …

“How to create and program a door that open and close at sunrise and sunset, powered by solar panel. I wanted to build something with an arduino since I have received and completed an “arduino starter kit”. Therefore, this project …

“In this project I tried to overcome a very common issue while working on a portable electronics project. That is how to power my circuits If you are working on a portable electronics project, or in a remote place where …

“Hello Everyone, I was inspired by https://www.instructables.com/Print-Your-Own-Moon/ and printed various sizes of the moon. They turned out good, but my challenges were Making it portable, rechargeable Work with and without wire Stronger Electronic circuit for the …

“This is a wireless DIY Gamepad which you can use on both Android and windows to play your favorite video games. Like most of the traditional Game Controllers it has Two analog joysticks, two Trigger buttons, D-pad buttons and some …

“Stand-alone High Voltage Serial Programmer and Fuse Resetter for ATtiny 13/25/45/85.”