Content for HVSP


HVSP is the high voltage protocol for 8- and 14-pin ATtiny MCUs. HVSP requires 7 signals (including power and ground), as shown in this illustration. For High Voltage programming, the timing of the power pin matters, so it is software controlled through the SVCC pin, rather than simply through the 5V pin of the Arduino. The HVRESET a.k.a. ⚡️RESET⚡️ signal is used to control one of the circuits shown in the High Voltage programming section to generate the 12V signal to be applied to RESET pin of the target microcontroller. The other signals go directly to the target microcontroller.

TinyHVSP - High Voltage Serial Programmer based on ATtiny84

“Stand-alone High Voltage Serial Programmer and Fuse Resetter for ATtiny 13/25/45/85.”

High-Voltage FLASH Programming on ATTINY85

“The Atmel ATTINY85 is a great chip (cheap, easy to use, supported in the Arduino IDE). Unfortunately it only has 5 IO pins, which limits its usability. There are guides on using a High-Voltage Programmer (HVP) to change the Reset …

PiggyFuse HVSP AVR fuse programmer

“Although I’ve been working with AVR MCUs for a number of years now, I had never made a high voltage programmer. I’ve seen some HVSP fuse resetter projects I liked, but I don’t have a tiny2313. I …

Recover bricked attiny using arduino as high voltage programmer

“Hi! Today I’ll explain you how to recover your bricked ATtiny microcontroller using your Arduino board. ATtinys are very popular due to their small form factor yet very powerful. While working with them you may accidentally brick the ATtiny …

AVR HVSP Fuse Resetter

“in working w/ 8 or 14 pin avr devices, i would sometimes want to use the RESET pin as io as the io pin count is low. but doing so will disable further programming via SPI. i do not need …