Content for Laser


A laser is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation. The term "laser" originated as an acronym for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation". The first laser was built in 1960 by Theodore H. Maiman at Hughes Research Laboratories, based on theoretical work by Charles Hard Townes and Arthur Leonard Schawlow. A laser differs from other sources of light in that it emits light which is coherent. Spatial coherence allows a laser to be focused to a tight spot, enabling applications such as laser cutting and lithography. Spatial coherence also allows a laser beam to stay narrow over great distances (collimation), enabling applications such as laser pointers and lidar. Lasers can also have high temporal coherence, which allows them to emit light with a very narrow spectrum, i.e., they can emit a single color of light. Alternatively, temporal coherence can be used to produce pulses of light with a broad spectrum but durations as short as a femtosecond ("ultrashort pulses").

How to Make a DIY CNC Laser Engraver at Home

“Hi, In this project I will show you how to Make a DIY CNC Laser Engraver, Are you a fan of engraving? Yes most of us are, How cool is it to have a picture of something on your favorite …

3D Scanning with ESP-32 CAM & Line Laser (Arduino / C++)

“3D Scanning using Structured Light (Slit Scanning) With ESP32 CAM, Line Lazer, coded with Arduino, which communicates to Client Application. Structured Light “Slit” Scanner using ESP32-CAM with IoT capabilites. - Scans an Object with a Line Lazer, by rotating it …

Laser Security Alarm

“How to Make a Laser Security Alarm at Home In this project, we will guide you step-by-step on how to make a laser security alarm using simple and easily available components. This security alarm will help you protect your home …

How to build Arduino Laser Morse Code Decoder

“In past project I was only transmitting Morse Code. Now I can also read it. A while back I created the project to encodetext into Morse Code. Then I was transferring messgares with light and sound signals. In this project …

Laser Infrared Thermometer

“Build a digital laser infrared thermometer with a custom 3D printed enclosure This is my remake of the Arduino Laser Infrared Thermometer by MnMakerMan. The main change to the original design was to replace the Arduino Nano with a ATtiny1614 …

Laser Scanning Microscope From Blu-Ray Player

“DIY Laser Scanning Microscope made from a defective Blu-Ray Player. A Blu-ray player must be able to detect the microscopically tiny pits on DVDs in order to play back a film. Therefore, the question arises: Can a Blu-ray player also …

Different Ways to Control a Robot

“This project will show you three different ways to control a robot with an ARDUINO UNO board. The robot has been built with pieces and motors of a VEX robotics construction set with a shield and an ARDUINO UNO microcontroller …

Laser device for neutralizing - mosquitoes

“Low-cost device for control mosquitoes, weeds, pest etc. This is an innovative and effective method for remote monitoring of mosquitoes and their neutralization. Was explained in detail how was leveraged modern advances in neural networks to use a powerful laser …

Laser Engraver Made With Repurposed CD/DVD Computer Drives

“Over half a year ago now, while trying to think up ideas for a project, I found a tutorial for a pen plotter that used the stepper motor mechanisms contained within DVD and or CD computer drives to create a …

MIDI Laser Harp with Time of Flight Distance Sensors

“A laser harp is an electronic instrument that lets you “pluck” laser beams like a harp to play notes. In this guide, you’ll learn how to build your own version of a laser harp using a Feather M4 Express …