Content for Morse


Morse code is a character encoding scheme used in telecommunication that encodes text characters as standardized sequences of two different signal durations called dots and dashes or dits and dahs. Morse code is named for Samuel F. B. Morse, an inventor of the telegraph. The International Morse Code encodes the 26 English letters A through Z, some non-English letters, the Arabic numerals and a small set of punctuation and procedural signals (prosigns). There is no distinction between upper and lower case letters. Each Morse code symbol is formed by a sequence of dots and dashes. The dot duration is the basic unit of time measurement in Morse code transmission. The duration of a dash is three times the duration of a dot. Each dot or dash within a character is followed by period of signal absence, called a space, equal to the dot duration. The letters of a word are separated by a space of duration equal to three dots, and the words are separated by a space equal to seven dots. To increase the efficiency of encoding, Morse code was designed so that the length of each symbol is approximately inverse to the frequency of occurrence in text of the English language character that it represents. Thus the most common letter in English, the letter "E", has the shortest code: a single dot. Because the Morse code elements are specified by proportion rather than specific time durations, the code is usually transmitted at the highest rate that the receiver is capable of decoding. The Morse code transmission rate (speed) is specified in groups per minute, commonly referred to as words per minute.

How to build Arduino Laser Morse Code Decoder

“In past project I was only transmitting Morse Code. Now I can also read it. A while back I created the project to encodetext into Morse Code. Then I was transferring messgares with light and sound signals. In this project …


“A PIC16 based Morse Code Clock It will blink green once a second, on the top of every minute will blink the hours in blue and the minutes in red following the morse code pattern for numbers, if picked up …

Morse Code Iambic Trainer and Decoder

“In Amateur radio, Morse code is used to send messages using a series of short or long pulses which are heard by the operator as audio beeps. The short beeps are known as dots or dits, and the longer beeps …

Transmit and Receive Morse Code Using Light With Arduino and Smartphone’s Camera

“This device allows you to send any message using morse code. (you don’t need to know morse code for this projects) In short: you send morse code with ESP8266 or Arduino and receive it with a smartphone’s camera …

Internet Time Morse Code Clock

“There are plenty of ways to irritate your XYL with an obsession of ham radio; but if you feel you need just one more then keep reading. The black box above is actually a clock. It’s a cool clock …

The Morse Translator with Arduino

“What it does: It translates your morse code into English words! With this Morse Translator you can improve your morsing skills. Imagen,if the zombie apocalypse will happen, this will be the only way to communicate. Start practicing now!! … or …

Bringing a vintage telegraph into the digital age

“I recently inherited a key on board (KOB) telegraph that my late grandfather used to practice Morse code with when he was a kid (Figure 1). A little bit of curiosity of how it would work and a little bit …