“Welcome to my instructable on how to make a LED clock using 60 Neopixels.
You will find 3 PDF’s attached one is for the segments of the clock, another is for the base and lastly one is a template to assist with gluing the sections together.
So to complete this you will need the following
Ring of 60 neopixels comes in 4 quarters. search for “ws2812 ring 60” (£12.00)
RTC search for “DS3231 module” (£2.50)
Arduino Nano (£4)
3mm/1/8” plywood.
pieces of wire. hopefully you will have some around?
5v USB power supply unit. The type your kids will have destroyed the connector on.
Below are the Lipo battery powered items but after testing, the clock consumed too much power so the battery was dropped in favour of a mains USB PSU.
dc-dc converter search “boost converter” (£3)
Charging circuit TP4056 search “tp4056” (£2)
LiPo 1000Mah single cell. search for “1000mah lipo 3.7” OR “503450 lipo” (£8.00)
The LiPo number is 503450 and it might be nice to know that this means 50mm long 34mm wide and 5.0 deep.”