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Although this is a very simple Arduino project, it contains more different options, as well as a very intuitive way to show a lot of inform.

There are many arduino clock projects with temperature and humidity readings where the results are usually displayed on some kind of display. This time I will show you how to make such a device, where instead of a display, an Addressable WS2812B pixel ring with 12 LEDs is used.

This is another in my series of Unusual Clocks which you can see in the given playlist. The reading of the values is conceived in a very intuitive way with the help of various color combinations.

Even the clock has a resolution of 1 second on only 12 LEDs. Otherwise, the code is taken from the ChrisAsi github site, and is called tux-clock, but I couldn’t find a video presentation, so I decided to make the device myself and check its functionality. Another curiosity is the way to enter commands with just one button with the help of single click, double click and long click.

Otherwise, the device is extremely simple to build and contains only a few components:

- Arduino Nano MCU board
- Addressable WS2812B pixel ring with 12 LEDs
- DS3231 Realtime clock module
- DHT11 Temperature + humidity sensor
- A button
- Resistor
- and Buzzer

The buzzer signals the push of the button.”

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