Content for WS2811

“Fiber Optic” LED Matrix

“In this project, I created a “fiber optic” LED matrix using WS2801 LED strip and glue sticks. The light displays have a different look than similar LED cubes and a few advantages. First, you can’t see the actual LEDs …

7 Band Led Audio Visualizer

“This is a project that takes in a continuous analog signal usually music and uses it to light a 7 band led visualizer. It uses the MSGEQ7 chip to analyze the music signal to get the frequency magnitudes and maps …

Custom NeoPixel Rings From Scratch!

“NeoPixel rings, and NeoPixels in general, are among the most popular electronic components for makers of all types. For good reason too, with a single pin from any popular microcontroller Adafruit makes adding gorgeous LEDs and animations to any project …

Time Traveling Elevator - Theater Prop

“Our school show needed a time traveling elevator. The perfect prop was an Arduino driven prop with WS2811 LED lights and a servo. Each spring for the last 20 years, our grammar school puts on a show called Kapers. The …

Led Disco Box

“How Make Your Own Led Disco Box”

Project  Disco-pi


“This instructable shows how to use a Raspberry Pi to control a coloured LED strip, based on music played from a web browser. It shows how to create a basic website using Node.js over HTTPS and use …

DIY Binary Alarm Clock

“Hello reader, What you can see in the pictures, is my little binary alarm clock, that displays the time using 18 individually adressable RGB LED’s. I originally planned to build a “normal” clock that uses Led’s as it …

WiFibonacci Clock

“I have been inspired by the awesome Fibonacci Clock (designed by Philippe Chrtien) and I decided to make it wireless using Wifi, hence the name of WiFibonacci Clock =D The main enhancement is the replacement of the Atmega328 with an …

RGB LED Pen for Lightpainting

“This is a complete build instruction for a light painting tool that uses an RGB LED controller. I use this controller a lot in my advanced tools and thought a documentary of how this is built and programmed can help …

A Dirt Cheap F*** Awesome Interactive Led Table

“It’s finally time I document this project I completed almost one year ago. I wanted to play with large led displays for a long time (who doesn’t ?), and browsing on AliExpress, I once landed on one of those …