Content for MSGEQ7


The MSGEQ7 is an IC designed to analyze sound (actually, any signal of varying voltages; in the case of sound or music, a signal as from a microphone). The chip measures aspects of input in seven frequency bands, and can provide output related to one (at a time) of these bands as an analog DC voltage signal.

7 Band Audio Spectrum Analyzer

“This is a simple beginner DIY project with low component count and small budget. The Arduino Nano and MSGEQ7 will analyze the audio input and break it into 7 different frequencies then displays the bands accordingly on WS2812B LED bars …

Arduino Audio Spectrum Shield WS2812 LED Display

“This is a really simple build made up of essentially 3 components and some fun coding with nested loops to translate audio amplitude data into colorful displays; An Arduino (I used an Uno but any Arduino with at least 2 …

DIY Automatic Musical Christmas Lights (MSGEQ7 + Arduino)

“So every year I say am going to do this and never get around to doing it because I procrastinate a lot. 2020 is a year of change so I say this is the year to do it. So hope …

14band Graphical Equalizer

“Here comes a simple Graphic Equalizer showing 14 audio bands from 60Hz up to 16kHz. It consist of a PCB based on MSGEQ7 and ESP dev board. Since a MSGEQ7 chip recognizes 7 bands only and an ESP dev board …

7 Band Led Audio Visualizer

“This is a project that takes in a continuous analog signal usually music and uses it to light a 7 band led visualizer. It uses the MSGEQ7 chip to analyze the music signal to get the frequency magnitudes and maps …

RGB Matrix + Spectrum Analyzer

“Love LEDs?Me too! That’s why, in this Instructable, I’ll show you how to make an awesome RGB LED Matrix, that can easily turn into a Spectrum Analyzer with the click of a button. After reading, if you …

Make your own LED illuminated laser cut box

“For a long time I had an idea to make a beautiful box with complex LED illumination, but after a long search I failed to find such projects, even the code was not there. Because of those reasons I decided …

3D Stereo Audio Spectrum Visualizer

“In this instructable, we will use the electronic circuit we put together from our Arduino based Audio Spectrum Visualizer project to drive our jolliCube re-arranged with the 2 sets of 3D 8x8x4 LED Matrix displays placed side by side to …