Content for TensorFlow

Smart Health Assistant via Sparkfun Artemis

“A smart cardio-health assistant based on Sparkfun Artemis ATP Artemis is the flagship microprocessor module, developed by Sparkfun that will be integrated into the next generation of efficient development boards. Based on Cortex-M4F with BLE 5.0 capability along …

Reading Eye For The Blind With Jetson Nano

“Allows the reading impaired to hear both printed and handwritten text by converting recognized sentences into synthesized speech. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are 285 million people that are visually impaired. Specifically in the United States, there …

AI-Powered Magic Wand

“A magic wand that uses machine learning to learn and recognize wand gestures, powered by Arduino Nano 33 BLE, TensorFlow, and PlatformIO. Let the magic fills this year’s Christmas and upcoming new year. For that, I built a magic …

How-to Get Started with Machine Learning on Arduino

“Arduino is on a mission to make Machine Learning simple enough for anyone to use. We’ve been working with the TensorFlow Lite team over the past few months and are excited to show you what we’ve been up …

Running TensorFlow Lite Object Recognition on the Raspberry Pi 4

“Want to up your robotics game and give it the ability to detect objects? Maybe implement a security camera that can see and identify certain items? Now that the Raspberry Pi is fast enough to do machine learning, adding these …

Autonomous Tour Guide

“Surprise visitors in your organization with this Autonomous Tour Guide using the DonkeyCar and Sony’s Spresense board! Visitors always feel lost whenever they come for the first time to any large organization with many outdoor buildings. This organization could …

Stereo Vision and LiDAR Powered Donkey Car

“Donkey Car featuring the Ultra96 board, a Raspberry Pi, FPGA accelerated stereo vision, MIPI CSI-2 image acquisition, a LiDAR sensor and AI. In this project, I will document the build of a Donkey Car enhanced with an advanced vision …

Robot Arm Using Arduino Mega and ROS

“The idea is to create a robotic arm which can perform pick and place objects using object recognition. Story Robot Arm (5 DOF) Using Arduino Mega2560 and ROS Note: Knowledge of ROS basics, TF and URDF is must. The idea …

Netduino Facial Recognition WiFi Lock

“Using facial recognition to unlock a deadbolt through Netduino WiFi. Introduction: iPhone X Face ID hits people with surprise, people starting to realize through AI deep learning their face is much more unique and accurate than their fingerprint. We’ve …

SIGHT: For the Blind

“A pair of smart glasses for the blind. Powered by Android Things and TensorFlow. Ever thought how is the life of a blind person, Their life is full of risk. They can’t even walk alone through a busy street …

A Sudoku Solver’s Robot

“A robot that solves and fills alone a sudoku’ grid ! Sudoku are digital puzzles that computers can solve automatically because they obey some simple mathematical rules. The main objective of this project was to build a rudimentary and autonomous robot …