Content for TensorFlow

Controlling Traffic Lights with Micro Speech

“A TensorFlow Lite Micro Speech model that detects wake words and turns on a different coloured LED light to emulate traffic lights. Introduction and Motivation Machine learning typically involves lots of computing power, and these are usually in the form …

COVID Security with OpenCV and TensorFlow

“Right now, it is very important that everyone around us does their part and wears a mask! This device can help with that! For Hack the North, my team and I thought of the brilliant idea of creating a device …

TinyML Keyword Detection for Controlling RGB Lights

“Train a TensorFlow model to recognize certain keywords and control an RGB light strip using an Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense. The Premise Machine learning at the edge is extremely useful for creating devices that can accomplish “intelligent” tasks with …

Handwriting Recognition

“This IMU-equipped pen is trained to recognize handwritten numbers Overview In this project, I build a pen device which can be used to recognize handwritten numerals. As its input, it takes multidimensional accelerometer and gyroscope sensor data. Its output …

Spectrino: TinyML Arduino & IoT Based Touch-Free Solutions

“Spectrino - Arduino devices that can be implemented on a wide spectrum of touch-free tinyML based housing and society systems. The pandemic has introduced a constraint to social interaction: distance. Considering this factor of risk, countries all over the world have …

Exploring IA at the Edge!

“Image Recognition, Object Detection and Pose Estimation using Tensorflow Lite on a Raspberry Pi Introduction What is Edge (or Fog) Computing? Gartner defines edge computing as: “a part of a distributed computing topology in which information processing is located close …

Project  LongHive


“An end-to-end beehive monitoring solution enabled by the Helium Network and deep learning. Bees are critical to the livelihood of our ecosystem, but unfortunately in the past decade, bee populations have decreased by 30% [1]. In addition to the ecological …

Thermal Face Detector

“A contact-less temperature measurement booth using face detection and helping people what to do next if high temperature is detected. In this project, I build a device which can be used to detect face from thermal camera readings and can …

TouchFree v2: Contactless Temperature and Mask Checkup

“A Smart Automatic Contactless Temperature Checkup and Mask Detection Kiosk using Facial Landmarking and Deep Learning for under $100. Countries around the Globe are Reopening, living with the Novel Coronavirus is becoming the new way of life. But to Stop …

SparkUQM - An AI Powered Urban Quality Monitoring System

“A SparkFun Artemis powered urban quality monitoring system with IoT capability and TensorFlow Lite based machine learning implementation. The metro cities all around the world are facing a lot of problem because of the increasing population, which is resulting in …