
“A simple tutorial on how to use SSD1306 for displaying moving GIFs, in this case, cat eyes. For those of you who are experiencing issues with the animation on the SSD1306 OLED display, here is a short tutorial. Two SSD1306 …

“The high cost of EV (electric vehicle) chargers may lead you to believe that they’re complex systems. But with the exception of Tesla’s Supercharger, that isn’t true. They’re actually quite simple — basically just glorified switches. All …

“In this project, you will find 3D part assembly, source code, and Android application of a simple dog model robot. Hi there! In this project, you will find 3D part assembly, source code, and Android application of a simple dog …

“The HexaClock is a hexagon-shaped LED matrix with each pixel also in the shape of a hexagon! This clock will pour colors onto your wall. There are only 5 parts to be printed. You need a printer with at least …

“I made this really amazing PCB for INTEL 8051 microcontroller in the form factor of an Arduino UNO. See how to build your own one. Hello Guys, Once again I have made a microcontroller Development board but this time we …

“Hi, in this project I will show you how I made this great-looking 3D-printed Hollow clock. Hi, in this project I will show you how I made this great-looking 3D-printed Hollow clock. I saw this project on Thingiverse a few …

“I created a DIY controller box using single-axis joystick modules and Arduino Nano to control an RGB LED, servo motor, and stepper motor! In this project, I demonstrate three different use cases for single-axis joysticks with an Arduino Nano microcontroller …

“SoundBox is a 3D Printed Portable Bluetooth Speaker system, It also contains an RGB Board powered by Pico for aesthetics. The goal was to put together a powerful Bluetooth sound system for my desk to replace the sound speaker project …

“We will do a step-by-step TSL25911 ambient light sensor design in this project. Story Introduction We interact with different intensities and strengths of light in our daily activities. Therefore, detecting the amount of ambient light we interact with is very …

“Open Source projects where we struggle with engineering, electronics, coding and who knows what else… Night USB is a very small USB dev board for the PIC18F14k50, so hopefully you may find it interesting ;) The PIC18F14k50 is USB-2.0 …