“What motor is this? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Well, today we are going to address the electrical characteristics of an engine. Were doing this because scrap robotics often involves some frustration, and my intention, therefore, is to …
“Acceleration of the step motor and the limit switch. These issues that we are going to discuss in this article, in which I will present you with a motion test assembly. In addition to the concept of end switches, I …
“In this project we will have a look at peristaltic pumps and find out whether it makes sense to DIY our own version of it or whether we should just stick with the commercial buy option instead. Along the way …
“A while ago I’ve made a mini laser engraver, base on two cd drives. After that I made a bigger one based on things I had lying around in my workshop ( see my “Quick, Dirty and cheap laser engraver …
“In this instructable, I show you how to make Arduino CNC machine at home. The aim of this project is to make the Computer Numerical Control machine which helps to design the PCB without using ETCHING process, which makes the …
“Have you ever wanted to build a giant, 6-axis, mostly-3D-printed robot arm? Well, this Instructable will show you how to do exactly that. Using a large collection of 3D printed parts, stepper motors, a 3D printer control board, a power …
“This project is intended to provide a simple solution for using servos with CNC and plotter projects based on GRBL Arduino firmware (and CNC shield). Of course it is possible to use a modified GRBL firmware and drive the servo …
“ToyRAP is a new project which is based on 28BYJ-48 stepper motor making it extremely cheap, it can be built for some 75 euro. It is aimed at education and demonstration purposes.”
“By making use Raspberry Pi, we created an easy to build 3D scanner to be used for the acquisition of three-dimensional models via a video camera and a laser. 3D printing keeps on establishing itself, mostly thanks to the availability …
“The ball on plate problem consists of a flat plate on which a ball needs to be positioned. Ball positioning is only achieved through unstable equilibrium where any small changes in the plate angle will result in the continual acceleration …
“This machine is designed to make the laser engrave in wood and opaque plastic, having an Arduino and the GRBL as machine automation basis. The machine axis are just the X and Y axis, which move a laser with power …