
“This project uses the Arduino Nano 33 IoT, the Arduino IoT Cloud, E13.1 (streaming DMX) and Alexa to control 12 volt WS2811 LEDs. Last year I realized that the safest way to display lights for the holidays would be …

“The task was to control a lighting system with an Arduino via DMX. The task was to control a lighting system with an Arduino via DMX. In the trade there are already adapters from PC to DMX but so far …

“Five channels circuit to control Red, Green, Blue, Brightness and Strobo of your LED lamps in an handy box! In these days a complete and rich lights control DMX console is available to buy at shops for a few tens …

“This project describes the development of a fully functional animatronic prototype. It is implemented from scratch and it aims to be a guide for the development of future more complex animatronic robots. The system is based on an Arduino microcontroller …

“This project uses an Adafruit Feather M0 Basic Proto board to control a group of Color Kinetics or other RGB light fixtures using the DMX-512 protocol. We’ll build a DMX-512 interface FeatherWing then connect it to the …

“This is Mover3D. A 3D printed moving light using the industry standard DMX-512 communication protocol for lighting control. Thus, it can plug in to any standard lighting control console, creating the ultimate lighting desk toy. Mover3D features full RGBW …

“DMX is a protocol used to control stage lighting fixtures and special effects. Each device has it’s own channel(s) which it responds to. This channel is user selectable by a DIP switch or a display with buttons. There …

“Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll cover DMX512 (Digital Multiplex with 512 pieces of information). Originally intended as a way to standardize communication among lighting dimmers, DMX512 has been adapted to control a variety of stage lighting and effects such …