Content for Arduino Nano 33 IoT

Displaying messages sent from IoT-Cloud on an LCD

“This project will show you how to set up an Arduino IoT cloud dashboard to send messages to a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). The project connects a liquid crystal display to the Arduino IoT Cloud. The end result is that …

Zwift Capable Pedal Generator

“I’ve been using a pedal generator for a few years now during the winter months, but this year decided to sign up with Zwift and see if I could integrate my pedal generator with Zwift. This Instructable will show …

Arduino Nano 33 IoT 12V WS2811 LED Strip Controller

“This project uses the Arduino Nano 33 IoT, the Arduino IoT Cloud, E13.1 (streaming DMX) and Alexa to control 12 volt WS2811 LEDs. Last year I realized that the safest way to display lights for the holidays would be …

Night Time Clock

“A digital clock to help small children to differentiate day time and night time through colours. Background Small children have a tendency to wake up in the middle of the night or very early in the morning. Unfortunately at this …

Switch/LED Panel with Arduino for FS2020

“A simple panel to add some commands and status LEDs for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 on a PC If you are a Flight Simulator enthusiast and would try to build your first external panel to send some commands and read …

APAN - Arduino Privacy Automatic Navigator

“What to confuse your ISP and have some privacy? Install APAN in your private network! Do you know that while you are browsing the internet, all your internet traffica may be recorded? Despite the privacy precautions you take, there is …

IoT Twitter Follower Tracker and Status Notifier

“Via Nano 33 IoT, display the follower count of a given Twitter account and its current follower status - STABLE, DEC, or INC. I have a gradually growing Twitter account for my website to showcase my projects and articles. Most of …

DehneEVSE - Open source EV charging station

“I designed and built my own EVSE EV Charging station from scratch because I wanted 2 stations with each 22kW support (3 phase, 400V, 32A) and “real-time” current & voltage measurements on all phases - in order to be able to do …

Tiny Internet Weather Station

“An easy to build simple weather station that connects to your smartphone via WiFi and Blynk. Story There are a lot a apps out there that allow you to connect your smartphone to the Internet of Things. I have tried …

Building an Air Filtration System for a 3D Printer

“How I used a microcontroller, a fan, and a bunch of sensors to create a smart filtration system. I was thinking of projects to work on, and I thought, gee, it would be nice if our 3D printer didn’t …