
“An Arduino based self-setting clock which can display temperature and other data from Homematic systems. I used to have a cheap and inaccurate clock with temperature display in our living room which I wanted to replace with something with can …

“Turn an old “roller ball” mouse into a MIDI controller that can unlock new ways of making digital music. Reimagining MIDI devices based on old electronics I hate throwing away old electronics that still work but are no longer supported …

“A tri-color personal slot machine with a 3D printed realistic lever to spin the wheels. While looking at projects on the Adafruit site, I came across a fruit machine project that has a cool 3D printed lever that incorporates its …

“Combine Arduino, an 8*8 bicolour LED matrix and a piezo buzzer to make a cool visual metronome. I’m an Arduino fan and a musician. Practicing with a metronome is a great way to improve your musicianship, but most …

“This time Ill share how to integrate touch control into the bi-colors led matrix 16x32. It can be used to control indoor devices via led panel or carry out some interactive effects by touch action. It may sound strange but …

“The following Instruct-able shows the design process for the Tetris Uno project.”

“I added a web page to PHPoC Shield for Arduino(P4S-347/348) to control a snake on the 8X8 Matrix LED. If a user presses one of direction buttons, the direction value is sent to Arduino through HTML5 Web …

“So, a little introduction as to why I made this project. For school we needed to make an interactive arduino project and because I’m not the best programmer in the world so I’ve chosen to make an interactive …