“Wireless World Magazine in January and June 1981 published this design. Reproduced on solderless breadboards using the original Monitor ROM The Nanocomp 6809 was a simple microcomputer design published in Wireless World magazine in 1981, with a 25 key keypad …
“Retro clock with seven segment display, WDC65C02 microprocessor and SP0256 voice synthesis chip. Few years ago I began my experiments with retro microprocessors. Their eventual result was a design of board consisting WDC65C02 CPU, EPROM, static RAM chip and couple …
“A simple 8-bit micro-processor using mostly discrete logic chips. This project is mostly based on the 8-bit Breadboard computer by Ben Eater Banner Specs ~400 Hz Clock 8-bit Data Bus 16-bit Control Word 5 Microsteps per Instruction 16 byte RAM …
“The LED Cube is nothing but a 3-dimensional array of LEDs to light up in different forms and patterns. It’s an interesting project to learn or better your Soldering, Circuit Designing, 3D Printing, and Programming skills. Though I would …
“How to make a 7x7x7 LED cube with Arduino. Story I always wanted to make my own LED cube, and now I share with you my project. Step 1 The first thing to do is create the LED matrix. In …
“I built a programmable 8-bit computer from scratch on breadboards using only simple logic gates. I documented the whole project in a series of YouTube videos and on this web site. “
“Now that I have a few OSI 495 prototype boards on-hand, I could finally build a combined static RAM board for the Challenger III using modern static RAM devices. Finally, no more reseating a ton of SEMI4200s every time the …