
“A simple 8-bit micro-processor using mostly discrete logic chips. This project is mostly based on the 8-bit Breadboard computer by Ben Eater Banner Specs ~400 Hz Clock 8-bit Data Bus 16-bit Control Word 5 Microsteps per Instruction 16 byte RAM …

“This is a binary counter that can count from 0 to 1023 because it’s a 10 bits binary counter. However, it needs 10-1N914 diodes like interface between the counter and the 10-10mm LEDs used in this project. The counter …

“This counter is the result of designing a cascading counter because it’s constructed like an asynchronous counter of 6 bits. That is, the project needs to function the following components: 6-10mm LEDs, 6-Flip-Flops(IC74LS76), and an IC555 timer for …

“I built a programmable 8-bit computer from scratch on breadboards using only simple logic gates. I documented the whole project in a series of YouTube videos and on this web site. “