“A minimal 6502 computer that can be programed machine language without PCs I have developed a minimal 6502 computer that can be programed machine language without PCs. The concept is the following three. (1) Minimize the number of peripheral standard …
“Clock generator I recently build a pulse generator and it does its job well. It produces pulses of variable length and at several frequencies. But the number of frequencies it can produce is limited and for many jobs the length …
“A TTL/CMOS based clock that displays the time along a 60 LED bargraph. I like clocks. I like LEDs. I like mucking around with circuits. I want to make a clock that displays the time along an LED bargraph …
“Following on from my previous Instructable, I have now put the 6502 on to a strip board and added a 6522 Versatile Interface Adapter (VIA). Again, I am using a WDC version of the 6522, as it is a perfect …
“The 6502 microprocessor first appeared in 1975 and was designed by a small team led by Chuck Peddle for MOS Technology. Back then it was used in video consoles and home computers including the Atari, Apple II, Nintendo Entertainment System …
“If you are curious about how a computer works and interacts with “external things”, nowadays there are a lot of boards ready to play like Arduino or Raspberry and many others. But this boards have all the same “limit”… they …
“As-simple-as-possible computer with the 8085 CPU As-simple-as-possible computer with the 8085 CPU I write a book about old computers. Oh, sorry: I mean “vintage computers” from 80’s. My primary goal is to show how one can build a 8bit …
“This is the Z80-MBC (Mobile Breadboard Computer), a mini 4MHz Z80 64kB RAM system with a Basic interpreter and that can be easily expanded. It has an “Arduino heart” using an Atmega32A as an “universal” I/O emulator. And …
“In EMRFD, 4.10, Wes provides the schema for a versatile VXO - extending frequency synthesizer. Although, I referred him to Wes for help, a reader asked me some questions and I ended up designing some pieces for him. In order …