Content for 3D-Printed

Breathing Mechanism for Animatronic Puppets & Companion Bots

“Simulate realistic breathing inside your puppet or animatronic companion bot. I’m building a companion bot (related projects: Animatronic Fox Head) and wanted to add some movement to the body as well to help it feel more life like. I …

ChromaDome - a HemiSpherical Decorative Lamp

“This project is about building a hemispherical LED lamp that can be used as a decorative piece or for ambient lighting. The LEDs are arranged in a pattern to create a visually appealing effect. The semi-transparent shell diffuses the light …

Controller With Menu

“You can control either the LED or the motor with the menu-controlled device I developed. Thanks to the menus on the screen, you can offer multiple options to the device you control. The device in the example is a motor …

Digital Geneva Clock

“A simple digital clock with sequential Geneva drives. - Easy time adjustment using sliding mechanism to release the engagement of Geneva drives - Easy to make with only 9 printed parts - Driven by a single motor - Easy to print without support structure …

DIY Thermal Camera

“DIY Thermal Camera: Build your Own Infrared Imaging Device with ESP32 and MLX90640 Sensor Ditch X-ray vision, thermal cameras are the real industrial superheroes! They don’t just see light, they see heat, making them masters of uncovering hidden energy …

NodeGuard: WioTerminal MQTT Air Quality Monitor

“Transforming air quality monitoring with cutting-edge technology. Our system combines advanced sensors and real-time analytics for proactive Inspired by the recent fire outbreak at the solid waste dumpsite in Brahmapuram, Kochi, this project emerges as a comprehensive solution not only …

Pocket Temp Meter

“A small handy pocket TEMP Meter made from ESP32C3 driven MCU paired with an SSD1306 128x32-pixel screen, AHT10 is being used to take TEMP. So here’s something portable and useful: the Pocket TEMP Meter project. As the name suggests …

PORTABLE Space Trash Game Console

“I made a handheld game console that runs OG SPACE TRASH GAME using an XIAO expansion board. Here’s something fun: a portable pocket game console that incorporates an XIAO ESP32C3, an XIAO Expansion board, and some custom 3D printed …

Tiny Motion Detection Alarm

“Hi, in this project, we are going to make a motion detection alarm with IMU 6050, it is a 3-axis Accelerometer and Gyro Sensor module. By using this, if a small movement is detected by the IMU, it will trigger …

Vegetative State Self Watering Houseplant

“A houseplant that waters itself when the soil is dry. It also collects environmental data and sends that to the cloud for interpretation. I was tasked with creating a self watering houseplant. When the soil moisture sensor detects that the …