Content for 3D-Printed

Build a One-Handed Soldering Tool 2.0 | Effortless Soldering With Only One Hand

“This is the long-awaited Solder Sustainer v2, the predecessor of the well-known Solder Sustainer that I built and designed back in July 2023. This device will allow you to solder with precision while only utilizing one hand, freeing up your …

Cohart 12 Silent alarm

“In a world where anything can take place, Now you can safeguard any part of your home and be notified by text or email. This is a basic way to provide a sense of security to your mind. If you …

DC Motor Position Control with Potentiometer for Robotic Arm

“Replacing servos with DC motors + potentiometers for precise, cost-effective robotic arm control. Circuit Connections - Connect the potentiometers to analog input pins of the L293D Shield or Arduino board. The pins are A0, A1, A2, and A3, with the positive and …

Digital Hourglass

“To be honest: If you’re not working, you don’t really need an exact time: it’s about afternoon, I’m hungry, I’m tired, it’s time to go to bed. And in the morning, the alarm clock …

DIY Pocket Pong

“Hi, I am Athul, studying 9th grade and about to enter 10 grade. I have always been a fan of retro gaming. Also, kids like me are now tired of boring mobile games. there is a trend of people being …

Explore Simple 3D Dog Robot and Multiple Servo Motor Control

“In this project, you will find 3D part assembly, source code, and Android application of a simple dog model robot. Hi there! In this project, you will find 3D part assembly, source code, and Android application of a simple dog …

GROW, the Opensource Soil Meter Project

“Made a custom Handy soil meter that we can carry around for measuring soil moisture level. This is GROW, an open-source, easy-to-build soil monitor setup that comprises an XIAO expansion board paired with a soil moisture sensor. The values obtained …

HexaClock - LED Hexagon Wall Clock

“The HexaClock is a hexagon-shaped LED matrix with each pixel also in the shape of a hexagon! This clock will pour colors onto your wall. There are only 5 parts to be printed. You need a printer with at least …

HID Numpad with XIAO SAMD21

“Made a compact NUMPAD project using the XIAO SAMD21 and XIAO Expansion Board. Here’s something fun and useful: an HID Numpad projectmade completely from scratch using an XIAO expansion board and 3D-printed parts. The heart of this project is …

Make a simple 3D Hollow clock (Arduino Nano and 5V Stepper)

“Hi, in this project I will show you how I made this great-looking 3D-printed Hollow clock. Hi, in this project I will show you how I made this great-looking 3D-printed Hollow clock. I saw this project on Thingiverse a few …