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How to make an advanced colloidal silver device with Arduino, which has all the features of such commercial devices.

A colloidal silver generator is a device used to produce suspension of tiny silver particles in a liquid, typically water. Colloidal silver is believed by some to have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. The basic principle behind a colloidal silver generator is electrolysis. The generator consists of two electrodes, usually made of pure silver, immersed in distilled water. When an electric current is passed through the electrodes, silver ions are released into the water, creating a colloidal suspension of silver particles. In one of my previous videos you can see the basic features it should have such a device, as well as the simplest way to make it yourself.

This time I will describe how to make an advanced colloidal silver device with Arduino, which has all the features of such commercial devices. The device has a PWM based variable current limiter, automatic polarity reversal of the electrodes, as well as a timer that turns off the device when the desired ppm concentration of the solution is reached. Unlike the previous device mentioned earlier in the text, to make this device you need some knowledge of electronics and microcontrollers.

The device is relatively easy to build, and consists of several components:

- Arduino Nano microcontroller
- 16x2 LCD Display
- l293d motor driver IC
- 7805 Voltage stabilizer
- A Potentiometer
- 19V power supply from old Laptop computer
- Aquarium air pump
- And two silver electrodes”

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