“Sleeping on wheels is dangerous sometimes it may converts into fettle accidents. these glasses will alert you when you feeling drowsiness.
Hello all, I Hope you all are safe. I’m here with another project which you can build with very few components. In this instructables, I’m going to show you, how you can make an Anti Sleep Glasses by using Arduino and some very basic electronic components. This glasses alerts the driver whenever he is getting into sleep while driving the vehicle. since sleeping on wheels is dangerous sometimes it may converts into fettle accidents can leads to death. so to prevent such consequences of accident we can use this gadget to alert the driver when he feels drowsiness. So let’s see & learn how we can make a simple Anti Sleep Glasses by our self..
The working of this project is based on an Infra Red Sensor, This sensor is the heart of this project.
Let’s take a look to the IR Sensor. In picture I shown a typical IR Sensor, basically it has a transmitter IR LED, A photo Diode, an Opp-amplifier IC and a potentiometer.
The photo diode is placed just next to the IR LED in such a way that it can not receive IR rays directly. Photodiode is sensitive to the IR radiation. It’s cathode connected to the positive voltage i.e. 5volt and anode connected to the noninverting input of the Opp-amplifier which also get pulled down though the 10Kilo ohm resistor. Potentiometer in IR sensor is use to set the sensitivity distance of the sensor, it connected to the inverting input of the Opp-amplifier. IR LED continuously transmit the infra red rays and if any object comes in front of it, IR rays get reflected back and it received by the photo diode due to this change in IR radiation the voltage at the anode get change, the change in anode voltage is depend on the IR radiation received by the photo diode. More the IR radiation received grater will be the change in anode voltage. The output of the IR Sensor taken from the output of the Opp-amplifier. We can adjust the sensitivity distance by rotating the potentiometer on the sensor, we rotate the potentiometer that means we set a threshold voltage for the noninverting input of the Opp-amplifier. Whenever the voltage on the noninverting input is greater than the threshold voltage, the voltage on the noninverting input i.e. +ve voltage from the photodiode get forwarded and get the positive pulse at the output of the Opp-amplifier i.e. output of the sensor.
A typical IR sensors circuit diagram is attached check it for reference.
Let’s see the main circuit diagram of the project. I connected a IR sensor to the Arduino Pro Mini board as Vcc of the sensor to the vcc of the Arduino Pro Mini, Ground to the ground and the output of the sensor to the Analog pin one (A1) of the Arduino Pro Mini. I used a 5 volt buzzer and a vibrator motor from the old cellphone for alerting. I connected both buzzer and vibrator motor in parallel and used an general purpose NPN Transistor (BC547) to drive them. Transistor’s emitter connected to the ground and collector connected to the negative pin of the buzzer and vibrator motor. Positive terminal of vibrator motor and buzzer are further connected to the vcc of the Arduino Pro Mini. Base of the transistor connected to the pin D3 of the Arduino Pro Mini through the 4.7 kilo ohm resistor.”