“Today we are going to make an esp8266 smart car. This WiFi remote control car runs with ESP8266 module (NodeMCU).This NodeMCU comes with MicroUSB port and also can be operated with 7-12Volt. You can also program it with Arduino IDE (software). So that’s it, let’s get started!
- ESP8266-12E Module ( NodeMCU)
- L293D Motor Driver IC - 2 Nos
- DC Gear Motor - 4 Nos
- 7805 regulator IC
- Battery 7-12V
- 100uF/25V Capacitor - 4 Nos
- 100nF Ceramic Capacitor - 2 Nos
- Female Header Pins
- 2 Pin Screw Connectors - 5 Nos
- Wheel - 4 Nos
- Switch