“The chess robot uses an algorithm of Micro-Max Chess Source found on the link below:
1 x Arduino Mega
1 x AZDelivery LCD1602 Display Keypad Shield HD44780 1602
1 x PCA9685 12bit PWM Servo Motor I2C Controller
1 x DC-DC 5A 75W step down converter
8 x 74HC165 Shift Registers
64 x Reed Sensors
64 x 10kOhm Resistors
1 x Mechanical Kit Robot arm 6-DOF
5 x 10 kg/cm torque 180deg Servo Motors
1 x 20 kg/cm torque 180deg Servo Motor
1 x Electronic plastic project box
1 x Power Jack Connector
1 x 12V Power Source at least 5000mAh
4 x 150x150mm PCB Board with single sided copper
4 x 100x70mm PCB Board with double sided copper
1 x Chess board 320x320mm (40mm box size) and chess pieces with magnet
Wood for the base”