“After several year of using, my analog clock if definitively dead.
Meanwhile i was looking for a 3d clock project to print with my Prusa, so i found a 7 segment clock to be driven by ws2812 leds and Arduino.
I thought that the power of that leds is to show a large range of colours then the question was, how to combine multiple colours on a digital clock?
Then the idea to customize the clock with the following features:
- 7 different minute change transitions
- 3 pre-setted colors for time slots
- ambient light intensity auto dim
- auto shutdown/start when there is no need to show time
- auto daylight saving time adjustment
The project can be executed using a 3D printer or googling for projects of 7 segment clocks. Someone made them with cardboard also.
There’s also need of:
Arduino nano
photo chell
momentary pushbutton
on/off switch
DC plug
5V transformer
n°30 WS2812 leds (model 30 leds/meter)
DS3231 module
thin cables for leds connections
resistors 10K, 550
headers male/female”