“Oh was it 5 or 6 ? This is a major missing when working out , we miss count of our exercises and will result in dissatisfied workout. As a small solution we are presenting a device which is a workout analyser and a counter too.
In various steps of our project we have evolved the brain of the project according to the needs. We enclose the list and role of various components of the brain
1. Arduino Uno : It is a micro controller and in this project it is the dental processing unit which processes the input values and analyses the workout
2. HCRS04 Ultrasonic Sensor : It is the input part of the device which detects and counts your exercises and sends the data to the processing unit
3.LED Matrix : It is the output part of the device which receives the data from processing unit and displays count and analysis result.
4. Potentiometer : It the input part of the device which is used to shift between the modes of the device.
The components are soldered to form a circuit which acts as the brain of the device as per the given schematics.
For powering the brain,the presence of high-watt 9v battery is confirmed.”